Ep #276: The Karmic Clock – Part 2

Brothers, today I want to expand on the karmic clock because I really want to go deeper into nonjudgment, go deeper into acceptance, go deeper into love, and go deeper into understanding where people are.

And for this, I’ll use an example, because you all know that I’m a man of stories. By now, most of us have heard of Andrew Tate, and most if not all of us have judged him, condemned him, and deemed him as bad or wrong. But here’s the thing that we’re forgetting, brothers: there is no right or wrong; good or bad; pure or evil. Everything exists in perfection, and it is only our perception of the illusion and our conditioning that makes us think that anything could be better than any other thing. 

The key here is to ask “why”. Why did Andrew do the things he’s been accused of? Why does anyone – thief, molester, murderer – do the things that they do?  It’s because of their own suffering. It’s because of the suffering their souls have endured up to the point of their actions. And your body does not atone, brothers, your soul does. Your soul atones during your every reincarnation. We simply cannot understand the suffering that our souls are carrying from previous lifetimes, and all of us are still trying to recover form the original trauma of being kicked for the Garden of Eden. But instead of showing love, we’d rather condemn and shame. Instead of extending grace, we’d rather punish.

And the only difference between you and me and Andrew is where we are on our karmic clock. Andrew may be operating between 12:00 and 1:00 while you may be at 6:00 and I may be at 4:00. But it doesn’t mean that one is better than the other, I am better than you, we are better than Andrew – it just means that we are at different points of our karma at this moment. What Andrew goes through at 1:00 will serve him as a lesson when he reaches 3:00. It’s just about understanding where you are on your karmic clock, allowing others to experience their own journeys, and leading with love and acceptance over judgment and condemnation. 

We are all learning lessons through our actions, and instead of kicking a brother when he trips and falls and is already down, extend a helping hand and show him that we’re all in this together. Because we are all in this together, brothers. We are all one. And when we start moving back to our oneness, back to unity, back to understanding, back to love – that is how we elevate our alpha. Until next time, I love you.


What Youll Learn from This Episode:

  • The illusion in perfection.
  • Karma: so misunderstood. 
  • Embracing the man in the mirror. 
  • Accepting that the soul will atone, not the body. 
  • Getting back to love.

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[0:00:09.7] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast, the only podcast that teaches men the cognitive mastery and alpha mindset that it takes to become an influential and irresistible man of confidence. Here’s your host, certified life coach, and international man of mystery, Kevin Aillaud.


[0:00:33.3] KA: What’s up, my brothers? Welcome back to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast. I am your host, Kevin Aillaud, and I know last week was probably pretty heavy. It might have been pretty deep. It might have been pretty heavy and deep for some of you and for others of you, it might have really resonated quite well. Some of you, you may understand and recognize like, “Oh, okay, I see now, I see more.” And that’s kind of what these all of these podcasts are about.

They’re teachings, they’re transmissions of energy. You know again, it’s not about the words that I’m using. The words that I’m using are just to, again, kind of play with the intellect as the – as a transmission comes through. And I want to continue the karmic clock analogy just a little bit to go maybe a little more deeply or maybe not more deeply, but to explain using some examples of why this analogy, why this perspective, why seeing this, why seeing this unfold this phenomenon occur, this perfection, this phenomenon, this impermanence of – that’s always changing, that’s always moving, it’s always moving towards what?

Moving towards unity, moving towards peace, moving towards harmony, moving towards love, and yet, at the same time, it’s always there. The idea of moving towards is a part of the illusion and that is a part of the perfection because we’re already there. We’re already in harmony, we’re already in peace, we’re already in love, everything is love. Everything is love, everything has always been in love, there is nothing other than love.

There is only our inability to see it, our inability to experience it because we’re distracted by something that we don’t understand or think we need. And what we think we need is the funny thing, because brothers, what we think we need is love. What we’re all seeking is to feel the unity, is to feel the love, is to feel what we felt in the beginning, in the beginning of all of it, which has always been here because the beginning and the end are the same.

The beginning and the end are now. Now is the beginning and now is the end and so this time, this idea of time as it moves forward, as it rolls forwards, is a part of that perfection in illusion. It’s the illusion in perfection. So, I want to go just a little bit more, I’m going to call this part two, we’re going to do the karmic clock part two because, to begin with, remember, warm hand, cold hand, remember, a couple of weeks ago, there is no right or wrong here, there’s no better or worse, there’s no higher or lower.

[0:03:19.4] KA: I know that there appears that way, things appear that way, and a lot of people who seek control, a lot of people who seek power, they want to use that illusion to their benefit. They want to say, “This is better than that” or, “This is right and this is wrong, this is good and so do that, and this is bad, so don’t do that.” And of course, there is the notion that there is only love, like, that’s what I’m telling you.

There is only love but good or bad is a part of the subjectivity, the part of the subjectivity that only exists in illusion. And when you can break through the illusion, you see that only love exists. Only love is there, only love and acceptance. Love and acceptance, love and acceptance, love and acceptance, that’s what is.

Everything else, as I say, everything else is kind of this, kind of this conditioned program that we’re running, which is a part of the perfection as well. So, I want to get into that. Now brothers, remember, none of this is judgment, that’s why I mentioned warm hand, cold hand. That’s why I mentioned – if you go back a couple of weeks, I began with that kind of as a prelude to this karma episodes because karma is such a, it’s such a misunderstood word.

Karma actually means action, that’s all it means, it’s one word meaning one work. That word, it means this action. You know, people get all kinds of ideas about karma. What goes around comes around and you do something bad, you’re going to get punished, you’re going to get a bad thing done to you. And if you do something good and you’re going to get rewarded, you’re going to get a good thing done to you. These are ideas that we really misunderstand.

[0:04:52.5] KA: We really misunderstand the point of karma because karma is just action and we all come here for our karma. We all come here for our action, for what we do. Doing is a part of being a human being. That’s why we are a human beings, so that we can do, you know? It’s why we come to this sacred place, this planet Earth so that we can do so that we can fulfill karma, which wraps both ways.

Whether you call it adding karma, removing karma, whether you call it fulfilling karma or revealing karma, or unraveling karma, it’s all the same because it’s just karma, it’s just action. It’s just action. And a lot of it is going to depend on where your true self, where your celestial being, where your soul, where your, whatever you want to call it, your Atman, where it is on this rolling clock.

Are you a new soul? Have you come here in complete confusion, seeking to get back to unity through pleasure at expense of others? Are you a teenage being, where you’re seeking pleasure but not at the expense of others? You just want to keep yourself in a state of happiness. You just want to make sure you’re happy, that you’re taken care of, that you’re good, and other people just really are kind of just bystanders.

They’re kind of second thoughts, they really don’t have much to do with it. You don’t want to hurt anybody but you’re not really thinking about them either. It’s kind of like keeping them out or are you seeking pleasure with others? Like, is it a cooperative move? But still in the world, still externally or have you passed through 6:00 and now you’re in this other state, where you realize that there’s nothing outside of you that’s going to provide this pleasure, that the pleasure is, the unity is, the oneness is, the eternal God source is passing through you.

[0:06:43.3] It’s from within you, you are the vortex of it, it’s coming out of you and to go within is where you find it, and you begin a journey within, you know? So, I kind of want to go a little bit deeper into these themes so you guys understand but again, before I do this, recognize that there is no judgment here. I’m not judging anybody for where they are. In fact, everybody’s exactly where they’re supposed to be. Everybody’s exactly where they’re supposed to be, and that can be a very heavy thing to accept.

It can be a very difficult, let’s say, very difficult pill to swallow because of the way we’re taught, because of the way we’re trained, the way we’re conditioned. Especially in the United States, especially culturally in the US, which is kind of becoming the global perspective, the United States becoming that global, that westernized, everything’s kind of becoming, coming along with this idea that the United States has the right ideas, you know?

So, it’s becoming more of a global perspective but I’m going to tell you a few things, but I was going to give you a few examples and it might seem a little bit scattered here because I’m really just talking to you guys more about this karmic clock, and without anybody asking questions, without you guys sitting here in front of me to ask questions, it’s really going to kind of be a lot of examples.

For example, I had a friend of mine come here to Tulum to partake in a love ceremony, a remembering ceremony. It’s the same thing, right? To remember who you are is to remember that you are loved. To remember where we are is to remember that we are in the embodiment, we are in the bosom, we are in the cradle, we are in the space, completely surrounded and permeating love, to remember that.

So, remembering ceremony, a love ceremony, and we got to talking. We actually got to talking before the ceremony, we got to talking about, how do we move through this place of punishment. How do we move through this place of blame and where we want to accuse, where somebody’s got to pay the price, right? Somebody’s got to be – somebody’s got to be held accountable they say.

Because remember, if we look at the karmic clock and if we break that up if we break it up from number 12:00 is unity, 12:00 in the beginning, that’s where we’re all one. We’re all in unity, we’re all in harmony, we’re all in that state of perfection, and being perfect and knowing perfection, we’re both being and knowing perfection, and then 12:01, that’s the eating of the tree, right?

The eating of the apple and the tree of knowledge and all of a sudden, we know, right? We have this knowledge, and so we start to think and thinking drives us away. It drives us away from our being, from our being in that state, and from that point forward, we’re really just moving through time, trying to get back to where we’ve never left, trying to get back to love, trying to get back to unity and we do it through the clock of learning.

[0:09:36.3] The clock is just an analogy of the journey, the journey of learning. So, at the very early hours of the clock, say, from 12:01 to 2:00, there’s a lot of abuse. There’s a lot of theft. If you could throw murder into here, you could throw rape into here, you could throw kidnapping into here, right? You could throw molestation into here, kidnapping of kids or molestation of kids, you could throw drugs into here, right?

You could throw a lot of things into this first couple of hours of the karmic clock and you see these people, we know these people. They end up on the news, they end up in our prisons. Some of them end up very wealthy in fact, because they don’t get caught but they make a lot of money on it because that’s what they’re seeking, they’re seeking pleasure. They’re seeking to get back to unity, back to God and God is love.

God is peace, God is harmony, God is pleasure, God is a feeling of ecstasy and bliss, and we just have forgotten that, you see? Because we’ve forgotten unity. So, we’re trying to make our own heaven with what we think it must be, and in the very early hours, it’s all about pleasure at the expense. “I don’t care what happens to other people, I don’t care, I will use other people. Other people don’t mean anything to me.”

“What’s the most important thing for me is my own pleasure.” Pleasure for pleasure’s sake because that’s what people in those spaces in those early hours. That’s what they’re being told, that’s what they’re being taught. They’re in such a deep state of suffering. I mean, remember, for the first couple of hours, this is the initial casting out. This is where we were first cast out of the garden, there’s so much pain.

There’s so much suffering and that suffering is projected. It’s transmuted, it’s put right out into this field of separation, this illusion of duality, and so what the feeling is within these people, what the feeling is within them is what they are creating in the world. As they feel this suffering, as they feel this pain, that is what they create, and so it’s murder, it’s rape, it’s kidnapping, it’s abuse, it’s theft that creates pain, that creates suffering from their own suffering.

We move into, maybe from 2:01 to 4:00. Well now, I don’t want to make others suffer. At this point, I’m not making others suffer anymore. It’s not – I don’t even care what other people are doing. I just – I want to – I need my own pleasure, I need to find – I need to get my place. I need to get back to God through pleasure the way I think that most people – which is, again brothers, all of this is wrapped up in conditioning, you understand?

Cultural, societal, economic, educational, governmental, religious, it’s all wrapped up in our – there might be a lot of buffering here.

[0:12:22.9] This is where a lot of buffering happens. People buffer with all – and this is where a lot of – look, again, this is not from a place of judgment. This is purely from a place of observation, this is where a lot of people are. This has been my own work as I’ve seen, this is where a lot of people are, people are buffering. People are buffering with Instagram, people are buffering with television.

People are buffering with sugar, people are buffering with pornography, people are buffering with gambling, people are buffering with spending money. People are out there just spending, spending, spending. People are buffering with, they say alcohol, right? Drugs. Now, the deep drugs like the methamphetamines and the heroine and those drugs that really like – that may be more of like a 12:01 to a 2:00 because look at what those people are doing to get their drugs, right?

They are stealing, they are harming people, they may be abusing or battering people to get their drugs. Holding people up at gunpoint or at knifepoint, trying to get money to buy their drugs or stealing, going into garages and stealing things that they can to pawn and get their money. But these other drugs like, if you’re buffering with marijuana or alcohol, and alcohol can be very abusive as well, depending on the level of where you’re at.

No judgment, no judgment, just where you are, it’s okay, and then maybe from 4:01 until 5:59, we get that other space, right? We get that space where, “Okay, now, I am not going to hurt anybody, I don’t even want to hurt anybody, I don’t want to hurt myself” but you’re still out there, you’re still in the world, it’s still an external seeking. They’re out there seeking that external source, where is the pleasure in the world.

“Where can I get it, where can I find it, where can I find unity, where can I get back to God? I know it’s here, it must be here. It must be here, the garden is here, it must be. I know it, I’m getting closer to it, closer to it, because I’ve stopped harming, right? I’ve stopped humming, as I let go of my own suffering, as I get closer, as I learn these lessons and purges from my soul. I begin to get closer.”

“So I know it’s there, I could feel lit, I can sense it but I’m still seeking outside.” Now, of course, all of that is still building up the karma. You’re still doing these things, you’re looking outside of you and it’s building up where you’re going to come back.

[0:14:32.3] Where again, this is where I say, what goes around, comes around, right? It’s going to come back at 5:59. That’s when despair, despair, the recognition, the realization, the epiphany, the insight hits, “This is not going to work. We’re not going to get it done this way.” Despair hits, 6:00 rolls and you realize, it’s got to be a switch. It’s like flipping the light from off to on, and you realize, it’s within me.

“Oh my goodness, it’s within me” right? Within the despair comes the awakening, that’s from 5:59 to 6:01, right? Just despair through awakening. There’s still that inner seeking and these people are around as well and I see these people too from 6:01 until like 9:00, 8:59 maybe. I see these people too.

They’re seeking God through breathwork, they’re seeking God through yoga, they’re seeking God through fasting, they’re seeking God through service, maybe they’re out there working in a soup kitchen, they’re volunteering, right? They’re seeking God through, and again, that’s kind of an action, that might be more of like a 4:00 to 5:59, right? That service, that wanting to do something externally, that helping, the social activism.

But there’s the breathwork, there’s the meditation, there’s the prayers, there’s the yoga, there’s the – all of the things that people are doing to go within, there’s the red-light therapy and the kundalini and all that stuff. They’re all out there, they’re in there, they’re doing that. Seeking that, like, “It’s within me, it’s within me. I have to unlock this, I have to unlock this, I have to unlock this.” There’s nothing to unlock, it’s already unlocked.

It’s already unlocked. That’s the thing, it’s already there, it’s already unlocked, there’s still that blockage and there must be, again, there must be. It’s the perfection, it’s the part of it, it’s the journey but even in that space, even in that 6:01 to the 9:00, there’s still a duality, there’s still likes and dislikes, you know? There’s still wants and not wants. Our desires and aversions.

[0:16:20.9] “I desire to have a great breathwork session but I want to –I want to avoid getting sick, I don’t want to get sick.” There’s still those wants and aversions. And then as you roll past 9:00, 9:30, you realize that everything, everything is for you. Everything, you know? I get a new car, okay, great. I get sick, okay, great. It’s all good. Why is it all good? Because it’s all helping me let go – and I’m going to talk more about that in the next podcast.

So, I don’t want to go too much deeply in that because that will be a heavy one. That one, I’m going to put at you right before the New Year but with this one, I want to give you guys some examples because again, like, we don’t really get it. When I’m telling you that this is not about judgment, I’m telling you that everything is okay, that everything is perfect, that everything is love, I need to give you guys some examples here.

Since you really understand what I’m saying, that there’s really no difference, there’s really no difference at all between somebody at 2:00 and somebody at 9:00 and that may blow your mind right there. You might be, “Come on now, Kevin, come on. Don’t pull my leg here. I don’t need you to be blowing smoke here up my tush. I don’t need that. I don’t need you to be telling me that there’s no difference between somebody who kidnaps kids and somebody who is doing breathwork, I don’t need that.”

“These people are different, somebody’s wrong, this is wrong. People need to be punished, they shouldn’t be here, they shouldn’t be doing this. Breathwork is harmless, it doesn’t do – it doesn’t harm anybody.” That’s our judgment, that’s where our judgment comes in. We start to say like, “I’m better. I’m better because I don’t do that. I’m better because I don’t do that. I’m better because I do this.”

“They’re worse because look at them, look at what they do, look at the pain and suffering that they cause.” Well, let’s use some examples here. As I said, I had a friend, a brother, a beautiful, beautiful soul brother come down to Tulum here and do a remembering ceremony, a love ceremony. We had a conversation where it was kind of a conversation on this.

Like, “What about these people, what about these people that are out there that abuse, that steal, that harm, that hurt people?” And we could take an example of – and we can even take an example of that, we could take an example of somebody who touches kids, that’s what we were talking about. Somebody who touches kids, right? Or a child molester.

[0:18:55.6] This is the person, right? This is person A, we’ll call them. We’ll call them person A. Say, “What about this person?” at 2:00 or even 1:30 or even say 12:30, right? Because some of you might say, like, there’s not much lower you can go than that. There’s not much lower you can go than somebody who molests a kid. Okay, so we can call that 12:30, right? Even if you want to, and call it 12:10, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter.

The point is, we’ve got this person who is in such a deep state of suffering. Such a deep state of suffering that this is what they do. Now, of course, our culture, our conditioning, the way we look at things because of where we are in the karmic clock, right? We may be at 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, we may be at 8:00, 9:00, we may look at this person and say, “This person is evil. This person is evil, they shouldn’t be doing that.”

“They need to be punished, they need to be taken out of this space either put to death or in a prison cell where they will never ever see the light of day again. They need to be punished.” Well, brother, they are being punished in a couple of different ways. Number one, they’re being punished right now because their actions of suffering come from suffering, and I’ll get back to that in a moment.

But number two, because of the way the karmic clock works, it’s going to come around, it may not come around in this lifetime but people think it needs to come around in this lifetime. That’s this whole idea about the prison, right? Put him in a box, put him in a cell but we don’t need it. Like, there are much – look, there are ways that this person, this soul is going to atone that are way more heavy, way more intense than having – than putting their body, putting their flesh in a prison cell for 70 years.

I mean, it’s just to compare what the soul must go through to atone for that, versus being in with the body, what the body is going to do is, I mean, the differences is so vast I can’t even begin to create an analogy. It’s the difference between the size of Mount Everest versus a grain of sand. I mean, basically, even that is more comparison.

[0:21:10.9] These people will get it and it’s not the people, right? It’s the soul. The soul will atone because the soul must atone, it’s the part of the journey, the suffering that’s coming out as we’re cast out of the garden. It’s the garden of Eden as we’re cast out of unity. I’ll say unity for those of you that may have some aversion to me using the garden as an example.

When we’re cast out of unity, when we’re cast out of oneness, that creates so much pain in the soul, it creates so much pain in the spirit, so much pain in the true self that that pain is acted out. It’s acted out into the world and how is it acted out? Well, it’s acted out through the choice of how the soul comes to the earth.

You see, we choose our parents, we choose our journey, we choose how things are going to happen, and if we look at person A, we say, “Okay, person A, tell me.” We say, “You have to be held accountable. You have to be accountable for what you’ve done.” And person A may say to you, “Well, look, like I can’t be blamed. Why are you blaming me?”

“I’m only doing what I was taught. When I was a kid, somebody touched me. I was molested as a kid. I’m just doing what I was shown. I’m running my programming.” I may not say that in that way of course, but that’s how it goes, right? In some way, this person was – because we’re all taught that this is – we’re all taught to live out our destinies. We’re all taught to live out our condition.

We’re all taught to live out our karma. It’s how we engage with things, it’s how things are brought into our sphere. It’s how things are brought into our sphere of experience. And so person A may say, “Well, it wasn’t me. I can’t be held accountable, it’s not me to blame. It’s person B, it’s whoever touched me as a kid.” This person in a previous generation, “It was my uncle” or my father or my teacher or a priest or whatever, right?

“So, it wasn’t me. If you want to hold somebody accountable for this, you need to hold this person accountable because they’re the ones, they’re the ones that did this to me. They’re the ones that made me who I am.” So, we say, “Okay, we go to that person.” We go to person B, we hold and say, “Okay, it’s you then. It’s you then that must be held accountable.” And person B says, “Oh, it can’t be me that’s held accountable because that happened to me when I was a kid.”

“That was trained to me, the only reason I did that to that person was because of what happened to me and I learned that it was wrong and I’ve grown since then. How can I be held accountable for something I did 20, 30 years ago? It was this, it was that when I was a kid I was touched and I was trained and that’s how it happened to me.” I say, “Okay, so who touched you?” “It was person C?”

[0:23:38.8] “Well, okay. We’ll find person if they’re still alive. We’ll go and find them, person C.” And with that, person C will say the same thing and person C will say it’s person D and person D will say the same thing and it will go all the way back to the beginning. It will go all the way back, all the way back to Adam and Eve essentially, to being cast out, to being led out of oneness and even Adam and Eve would say it wasn’t them.

Adam would say it was Eve and Eve would say it was the serpent, it was the serpent that taught them to be, it was the serpent who got the blame. The serpent doesn’t blame anybody because the serpent was an angel, right? The serpent was there doing God’s work, the serpent knew that this was part of the plan all along. The serpent just kind of says, “Yeah, yeah” smiles, winks, and says, “Yes, this was all the way it’s meant to be” because it is.

It’s the karmic clock, it’s the way it’s meant to be, it’s our journey as human beings. So, what do we do? So, what do we do with these people? Do we throw them in a cell? Do we throw them in prison? Do we punish them? Do we blame them? Do we project our own suffering onto them, our own hate, our own anger, our own hypocrisy? I mean, the Christ said it Himself, that he who’s without sin cast the first stone.

And slowly, one by one, from oldest to youngest, they began to drop their stones and that’s something to remember, from oldest to youngest, because the more we age, the more sins we have. The more we can see in our own lives, were, “Hey, like we might have not done that but we’ve done this.” We’ve all done things that have kept us out of unity, out of peace, out of harmony, out of love, all of us.

So, how can we say that this person needs to go there to that place, to that prison, to that punishment? There are people in the world now who actually are becoming idolized for these kinds of behaviors. There is a guy out there, Aaron, was it Aaron? Is it Aaron Tate? I don’t – what’s his name? Aaron, I think it’s Tate. Mr. Tate, we’ll call him Mr. Tate. I think it’s Andrew, maybe Andrew Tate.

I look at this guy because of what I do as a coach, as a men’s coach. I hear this name, I know this name. This man began as an MMA fighter. Well, think about that to begin with. Think about the suffering one has to be in to choose to go and get beaten up or to beat people up and again, I’m not judging MMA. Like if you’re an MMA fighter, I’m not judging you, right?

[0:26:06.0] I’m not judging, I’m saying okay, so you’re – you ask yourself, “Where are you on the karmic clock?” And this is a question for you, what is happening in your life? What are you demonstrating? What are you feeling? What are you thinking? CTF or CTFA, right? CTFA and then what are your results in your life? This is the model of alignment, brothers, and Mr. Tate, again, is it Andrew? I think it’s Andrew.

Anyway, he begins a fighter, he began in a state of abuse. Abuse, he abused others and he was abused by others. And then from that suffering, from that suffering, he created this sense of – this false sense of confidence, this sense of arrogance and egotism, a very powerful strong ego, a strong ego that says, “I will not be abused. I’m a winner, a fighter and I’m a winner. I’m not abused, people don’t abuse me.”

“I abuse, I’m powerful. I became a womanizer, a manipulator of women.” Now, he didn’t kidnap women, you understand. He’s not between 12:01 and 2:00. He might be more around 12, 2:01 to 4:00, right? Because he is manipulating and he ended up in prison, by the way, he ended up in a Romanian prison. I still don’t know why, I’ve been following him but he is an example of the karmic clock.

It’s nice to have kind of a name and a face to put to these things to understand that this man is suffering. This man is – he can be a role model if you’re suffering like if you’re at 12:30, okay? If you’re at 1:30, even if you’re at 2:30, you say to yourself, “I’m in such a state of suffering. I’m in such a state of deep disconnection from unity. I’m so far from oneness that this man is a role model for me” because he’s a 3:00 and you’re at 2:30.

And hey, by all means, like I get it. I get it, I’m not judging you. I’m not judging him, I’m simply saying to look at it, to look at it, to really, really look at it for what it is. For what it is, it is suffering. It is not love, it is not unity, it’s not harmony, it’s not peace. It’s a way for people to try to get back to unity, to get back to love through the abuse of manipulation of others, through a selfish form of feeding pleasure through a state of lack that doesn’t exist.

[0:28:29.9] The lack is the illusion, the suffering is the illusion. Now Andrew, I know I called you out here brother, and by all means, please come. Come to me because I’ve got nothing but love for you. I’m not judging you, I accept you. I accept you for exactly where you are and who you are. I’m not judging. I’m not judging you any more than I because again, if you’re a 3:00 on the karmic clock, that’s okay.

That’s where you are, that’s okay. That’s exactly where you are and exactly where you should be because the lessons that you’re learning here at 3:00 are going to feed you into 3:01, they’re going to feed you into 3:02, they’re going to feed you into 3:03, and eventually, you are going to get to 11:59. It may take another hundred trillion years, a hundred trillion lifetimes for as long as it takes that bird with the silk scarf in its mouth to fly over that top of that mountain and wear it down, but that’s okay.

That’s your journey, that’s what must be. That’s God’s perfect plan, it’s all perfect, and we can’t sit here and say, “Well, he’s a bad man. He’s a bad person. He shouldn’t have done that and throw him in a Romanian prison.” I mean, we can and we did. We did, we did, you did, I did, right? You might say, “Well, I didn’t do that. I don’t want Andrew in there.” But you did because it’s in you, it’s in all of us to judge.

It’s in all of us to judge and to point our fingers and to blame. It’s all a part of it, it’s a part of who we are because we are in that same space. It’s all one, the clock remember is an analogy. When we get to 11:59 and we see everything, we realize that the whole journey, the you, the me, the path, the pilgrim, the goal, the destination, all of it rolls up into one, and we’re free. We’re free of this idea of time, this illusion of duality.

It’s all happening now, it was you and me that did this, and again, it had to happen because it’s what happens but to look at it, to see it, does it really do him any good? Does it do him any good to sit in a prison? Does it do anybody any good to sit in a prison? No, of course not because why? That just adds suffering, it adds more suffering. So, you can say to yourself or to me, you may say, “Okay, Kevin, so what do we do?”

What do we do? Well, I’ll ask you, I’ll ask you what do you do? What do you do when you’re walking down the street and you’re passing by someone and they trip and they fall down? What do you do? I mean, you have a couple of options, right? You have three options in fact. First option is you see this person trip and fall down, you could laugh at him and you could kick them while they’re down.

[0:31:14.3] “Stay down there, you fell, you deserve to be down there. Stay down there, don’t even try getting back up. You made that mistake of slipping and now that you’re down there, I’m going to make sure you stay down there” right? I don’t think you would do that but then again, that’s what we do when we put people in prison, that’s what we do. That’s what we’re doing, we’re punishing people for slipping, for falling.

We’ve all fallen before, depending on where we are in the karmic clock, some of us fall. Again, if you’re at 12:30 or 12:10, it might be the abuse of kids, abuse of animals. It might be murder, it might be theft but if you are later on, it might be lying. You might tell a lie. We all do something that takes us away from our unity. We all do something that takes us away from our oneness, takes us away from love.

So, that’s one thing we can do and most of us to that actually. As I said, you may not think you do that but that’s what most of us do. That’s what our culture does, that’s what our education does, that’s what our conditioning does, that’s what this age of punishment is all about. Somebody trips and falls on the ground, we keep them down there because hey, you didn’t fall, you’re still walking.

This person down there, as long as they’re down there, they’re not going to get in your way when you’re up walking around. So, we need to kick them when they’re down, you need to keep them down there, hold them down. It’s what most of us do and I know that you may even have a lot of resistance to that, brother. That’s what most of us do, that’s what our culture demands of us.

That’s what it means to hold someone accountable. They made a mistake, hold them accountable. Okay, keep them down, hold them accountable, keep them down. The other option you have is to just walk on by. Just walk right past them and that might be what a lot of you are thinking I’m suggesting. A lot of you might be thinking by this like, “Oh, okay Kevin, you’re suggesting that what? We should just condone this behavior?”

[0:33:18.9] “We should just say it’s okay? It’s okay for people to abuse animals and molest children and kidnap people and steal and murder and rape and pillage and burn down houses and whatever like we just condone this behavior? It’s all good?” No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I know that’s where the mind goes because the mind only sees that binary. The mind only sees the two things, either we punish them by kicking them when they’re down or we condone it and we walk on past.

That’s what the mind sees because the mind is so detached, it’s so detached from oneness. It’s so far from love. It’s been conditioned so deeply to suffer so, so deeply that that’s what most of us think that the only two options are punishment, either we punish or we ignore. We either make this person, we either blame this person, we hold them accountable or we condone their behavior and we say it’s okay, okay? But those are two options.

The third option, which most of you probably would do if you actually saw somebody fall, maybe, I don’t know, maybe, you’d probably help them up. Say, “Oh my gosh, are you all right, brother? Come on, let me help you up. Take my hand. Take my hand, let me help you. Take my hand, I will help you up. I will show you love, I will show you unity. I will remind you that you and I are together that we’re in this, we’re walking this path together.”

“We’re all in this as one, take my hand. You don’t have to say down there, I will help you up and I will get you back on your feet and if you fall again, it’s okay. I will help you up again and again and again because if I fall, I might need your help. I wouldn’t want you to kick me when I’m down. I wouldn’t want you to walk right past me. If I fall and my brothers reach out their hand, I will take it.”

“I will say, “Thank you, brother, thank you for your help.” Thank you for reminding me of love, thank you for reminding me of unity.” Well, we don’t do that. We don’t do that as a society, we don’t do that as a culture, we don’t do that through our conditioning. In fact, what we do is we usually just join the mob. If somebody trips and falls, five or six people go down there to kick that person while they’re down and we just say, “Oh, okay. Well, let me join in that kicking.”

“Let me get on that bandwagon because certainly, I don’t want them kicking me. As long as we’re kicking that person, they’re not kicking me. So, I’m going to go jump on that and say that’s okay.” We condone the punishment but the thought of love never enters our mind. And again, I’m not judging. I know I tend to get very passionate, I know I tend to get very deep and heavy with these analogies with these stories but I’m not judging.

[0:36:18.2] I’m not judging anybody. I’m not judging the people that fall. Of course, I don’t judge people that fall. You can probably tell that I’m reaching out a hand. I don’t judge that person, I don’t judge anybody. 12:10, you’re at 12:10, I know you’re suffering. Let me remind you what love is. No, I’m not going to kick you, I’m not going to throw you in a prison so you can remember constantly what hate and anger are.

You already have that, your soul is already full of that. You’re already resentful of being cost out of the garden. You’re tossed out of unity. You really don’t need to be reminded of more hate and anger, but you’re trying to remember we’re all trying to get back to is love, is unity, is oneness. But I will say the same thing to the people kicking the guy. It’s like, “Hey, let me help you. Why are you kicking our brother?”

“Our brother doesn’t need to be kicked, he needs to be helped. He needs to be loved. Why are you kicking him? Are you so afraid of being kicked yourself that you’re here kicking this being that is you, this being that was you 30,000 lifetimes ago?” A hundred thousand, a hundred billion lifetimes ago that was you and here you are, kicking this soul. Why? Have you forgotten? Have we all forgotten who we are?

Who we’ll also deep into this space of forgetfulness, the space of conditioning that we don’t even remember? Everybody needs love. Everybody is seeking love, everybody is seeking unity. That’s what the whole karmic clock is about that’s why there’s not anything better or worse. There’s nobody better just because you’re at 9:00, just because you’re at 8:00, just because you’re doing breathwork and meditation and prayers, just because you go to church and do all these things and you’re doing all these stuff.

It doesn’t make you better than somebody out there who is stealing cars and abusing animals, it doesn’t make you better. There is no better, it’s just the journey back to unity, we’re just trying to get there through different ways and we’re getting there through the ways that we – that our soul has chosen, that our soul has chosen based on where it’s at and from a physical perspective, from a material perspective, from a perspective of form, when our soul chooses when it goes into that space wherever it is in the karmic clock when it chooses it experience, it’s going to choose the experience that conditions it to suffer.

[0:38:52.2] Because that’s what it must experience in order to learn the lesson. It must, these things just don’t pop out of nowhere, this is conditioning. It’s a part of conditioning. So, brothers, this part two of the karmic clock, the reason why I brought this up is because I really wanted to go deeper into nonjudgment, go deeper into acceptance, go deeper into love, go deeper into understanding where people are.

When you see people, when you turn on the news, and you see people doing abhorrent things, things that you would say you would never do, remember that you have done that. Not in this life but in a previous, you have. You’ve done it, don’t be so – don’t have amnesia on this. Don’t forget, forgetting doesn’t make it go away. You’ve done it too, so be very careful as you watch this and watch it with love.

Watch it and understand that these people are – they are suffering so deeply or if you can’t get there, which is okay if you can’t get there. If you can’t get to the point of compassion, which is fine, then at least pay attention to what’s coming up within you because brother, that is your karma. Whatever anger is coming up within you that is your karma. Whatever resistance, whatever hatred, whatever judgment is coming up within you that is your karma.

If you cannot see their suffering, if you cannot get to compassion then you just have a little bit more to work out. You have a little more karma to get out. You have a little more karma to work out of you and got some lessons to learn, brother. That’s what this is about, it’s what we’re doing. Two things, right? What we’re doing, two things. One, we’re all moving back to unity, we’re all moving back to love.

We’re all moving back to God, whatever you want to call it, God, love, unity, oneness, wholeness, completion, totality. We’re all moving back there, that’s number one. Number two, we’re all on our own journey of lessons, of learning lessons through our actions, through our karma. Judge not lest you be judged. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Remove the plank from your own eye before you judge the speck in your brothers.

[0:41:11.3] I mean, how many times, how many different ways did Jesus have to say this? I mean, the Christ have said this. I mean, he wasn’t the only one. I mean, the Buddha said it too. The Christians said and the Gita. I mean, it’s in every text, it’s all there. It’s all there for you, the karmic clock is not a clock of judgment. It’s not a clock of comparison. It’s not a clock of better or worse. It’s not a clock of right or wrong, good or bad, holy or evil.

It’s a clock of unity, it’s a clock of oneness. It’s a clock of love, it’s a clock that says yes. Yes, here we are, here we are walking together this path, here we are, and if you fall, brother, if you fall I will love you. I will help you, I will help you get back on your feet because you are my brother, because you are my heart, because you are me in another life. And if you see a brother kicking a brother while he’s down, then that brother needs help too.

And that brother needs love as well and if you’re kicked when you’re down, well, I’m going to hit that one in the next podcast episode because that happens. We all fall. We all fall and we all get kicked, it’s a part of the karmic clock, and that’s what I have for you this week. I love you brothers, you are my brothers, and I love you. Until next week, elevate your alpha.


[0:42:41.8] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to this episode of the Alpha Male Coach Podcast. If you enjoyed what you’ve heard and want even more, sign up for Unleash your Alpha: Your Guide to Shifting to the Alpha Mindset, at the alphamalecoach.com/unleash.



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