The Indomitable Self-Confidence Course
Finally… A course where you will learn to create real self-confidence.
Self-confidence that allows you to take risks, achieve any dream, & build the life you truly want.
You can live beyond your current capacity—
Get ready for your future with Indomitable Self-Confidence
Indomitable Self-Confidence will change your life. Let’s talk about how.
Indomitable Self-Confidence and Relationships
Having amazing relationships isn’t about the other person – it’s all about you.
When you develop Indomitable Self-Confidence, you become more of who you are and allow other people to be who they are.
When you become more of who you are, you know what you want and stop acting in ways you think other people want.
You aren’t afraid to say no and don’t feel guilty when you do.
You stop seeking validation and approval from other people.
You eliminate social and approach anxiety.
You stop trying control or “fix” other people.
You stop acting needy, clingy and desperate.
You stop feeling jealous and start celebrating in other people’s success.
You stop chasing people and allow them to decide for themselves they like you. You are CONFIDENT in who you are.
It’s as simple as this. . .
. . .when you spend more time thinking about how amazing you are (confidence) and less time thinking about what other people are thinking about you (anxiety), you will create an attractive energy of influence and abundance in all your relationships.
Indomitable Self-Confidence and Massive Wealth
It doesn’t matter what you want.
Hit the $10 million mark.
The house to grow a family.
To vacation abroad every year.
That new Harley.
IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT. Because wealth is all the same—its all neutral and its never what we really want.
What we really want is the way we think we will FEEL when we have what we want. I’ve coached guys who make 7+ figures a year and are still wanting to grow their business. When I ask them why, their answer is the same as the guy just starting out.
The guy who is just starting out has the same reason as they guy who wants a new set of golf clubs.
The guy who wants a new set of golf clubs has the same reason as the guy who wants to travel to Argentina this year.
It’s always the same. It’s always. a. feeling.
“I want to FEEL successful/happy/free.
The reason why we have what we have in our life is not because of our circumstances or opportunities.
Its because of what we BELIEVE IS POSSIBLE.
Here’s the trick:
It’s not our results that create our emotions, it’s our emotions that create our results.
You don’t do something to FEEL a certain way, you feel a certain way so you can DO something. I have worked with people who were just starting their business, and I’ve watched them grow from unemployment to earning $10k a month: a 6 figure income!
NOTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE CHANGED—except for their mindset.
The same is true for reaching the next step. I worked with a guy who took his business from an annual revenue of one million to an annual revenue of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.
Again, there was no external change. He simply changed what he believed about his life and his business. He shifted from WANTING more money so he could FEEL successful to feeling successful NOW and making more money as a result.
Once you harness the power of Indomitable Self-Confidence, nothing is impossible. I personally created a six-figure business..lot it all when I was trapped in my Beta condition…then snapped back to my Alpha State and created another six figure business.
Then I did it AGAIN.
Money and wealth are neutral.
You get to decide what you believe is possible for you and determine the path to get there. You just need indomitable self-confidence to make it happen.
Indomitable Self-Confidence and Optimal Health
Your health is the foundation of your relationship with your self.
The way you treat yourself will build or deplete your self confidence.
When you develop your self-confidence, your health improves, because you are able to leave behind the things that block you from living the life you deserve. Lose fat, gain muscle, stop over drinking, smoking and drug use. Leave behind buffering with porn, Netflix, or work so you can use your valuable time to enjoy the fullest experience of your life.
A self-confident Alpha Male treats his body with honor and love, constantly developing his relationship with self at the highest cognitive level. Health for the Alpha Male means paying attention to the relationship between your body and your mind.
The emotion ALWAYS precedes the action. Self-confidence drives actions that improve the capacity of your mind AND your body.
This is your forever relationship—its time to invest in it.
What is the Indomitable Self-Confidence Course?
How does the Indomitable Self-Confidence Course Work?
The Indomitable Self-Confidence Course includes eight (8)
lessons, built around instructional videos & self-study exercises, allowing you to work through the course at your own pace, on your own time.
- Each lesson will include a video, educational content, and worksheets to provide more clarity to the concepts & practice the cognition shift.
- Three 30-day mind management challenge tools develop your Indomitable Self-Confidence on a daily basis.
- Upon registering for the course, you will have access to all videos and all content at once.
To take this work higher FASTER, we recommend adding 8 Hours of One-on-One Coaching
Cognitive 1:1 coaching adds exponential depth to the course, by bringing answers to unclear concepts and reflective objectivity into the subjectivity that you create in your life. By adding 1:1 coaching to the Indomitable Self-Confidence Course, you can FAST TRACK creating the life of your dreams!
As a BONUS, if you decide to include the most cutting-edge, permanent and efficient coaching memthodology to your course, I am going to give you TWO (2) FREE MONTHS of access to Tier 1 of The Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Academy.
The Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Academy for the Development of Cognitive Mastery is a higher education community for men developing the skill of cognitive mastery & emotional ownership. All Alpha Society members are focused on reaching the level of Alpha State Consciousness and intentional creating their best lives. That is a FREE BONUS valued at $400 for registering for the Indomitable Self Confidence Course with additional eight (8) 1:1 coaching sessions.
Lesson 1 The Universal Truth
In the first lesson you will learn about the Universal Truth and how to go about getting every result you want in life – amazing relationships, massive wealth, optimal health, and indomitable self-confidence.
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Where Are You Now?
- What Results Do You Want To Create?
- Obstacles And Strategies
Indomitable Self-Confidence is an emotion. We know it when we feel it and it feels amazing. Since it is an emotion, we can access this feeling AT ANY TIME when we practice.

The first lesson is about identifying a measurable result you want to create for your life. It is the reason that brought you to this mastermind. It is probably why you want to develop indomitable self-confidence or what you think you need to have indomitable self-confidence. It can be in your relationships (reconnect with your wife, date more women, meet more people, enjoy being at work more), your business and finances (make more money, find more clients, invest in a new home, save for and take a vacation, buy that boat), or your personal health (quit smoking, lose 50 pounds, run a 6 minute mile, start doing yoga or meditating, cut back on your drinking). Once you have a desired result in mind, the first session will take you through the process of making it happen. After the first session, you will know where you are in your mind (based on your current results), you will know where you want to go (based on your future results), and you will have an idea on how to get there.
Lesson 2 Limiting Beliefs & Indomitable Self-Confidence

Lesson 2 goes deeper into beliefs and introduces The Three Pillars of Indomitable Self-Confidence. Self-confidence comes from your beliefs about yourself. Separating thoughts from facts helps build confidence and the session ends with defining and explaining self-confidence.
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- What We Believe Is Based On Our Past
- How To Discover Existing Beliefs
- How To Believe Something We Don’t Yet Believe
- What We Want Is Based On Our Future
- How To Develop And Utilize Indomitable Self-Confidence
The second lesson takes a deep dive into the brain and how we view the world. We don’t see the world the way it is, we see the world the way we are. Our beliefs about the world come from our past – all the experiences we had a children and what we made them mean to us and about us. During this week you will learn how to identify old beliefs that no longer serve you and create new beliefs that will determine your future results. Remember, what we receive is based on how we feel – how we feel is not based on what we receive. You will learn how to feel the way you think you will feel when you’ve achieved your goal.
The lesson ends with the explanation of exactly what self-confidence is and how to build and create it – and the definition might surprise you! By the end of the second week, you will KNOW what indomitable self-confidence is, how to create it for yourself, and how to use the Universal Truth and The Model to have the life you want to have.
Lesson 3 The Secret To All Relationships
Relationships are the most misunderstood part of the human experience. Relationships are thoughts. You aren’t in a relationship with a person or a thing, you are in a relationship with your thoughts about a person or a thing. All of life is a relationship – you can’t be alive without being in relation to someone or something.
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Relationships
- The Manual
- Boundaries
- Unconditional Love
- Your Relationship With Yourself

In this lesson, I will demystify the truth behind all relationships and show you how to create the relationships of your dreams. The third week will provide you with the knowledge and skill to create the relationships YOU WANT with ANYONE! At the end of week three you will start seeing your relationships with the people in your life change in amazing ways. You’ll learn how to feel and act more like yourself when you remove the barriers that create social and approach anxiety. You’ll stop feeling jealous, needy, clingy, or desperate for attention or love because you’ll know how to create it for yourself. You’ll spend more time thinking about how amazing you are and less time thinking about how other people might be thinking about you. None of your relationships, current or in the future, will be the same.
Lesson 4 Massive Action & Scientific Process

It’s time to break down actions into exactly what they are – MATH. We have so many fears around action – fear of rejection, fear of humiliation, fear of embarrassment, fear of FAILURE. The truth is action is just physics (power); force times distance over time. When you understand the difference between action math and action drama, you’re confidence to take MASSIVE ACTION soars!
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Massive Action vs. Passive Action
- Scientific Process
- Constraint
- Decision Making
- Failure
- Math vs. Drama
The fourth lesson focuses on shifting your brain from taking action to feel emotion and meet expectation (which means you validate your worth based on the outcome and have an emotional response from the result) to taking action as it relates to learning and achieving (which are the consequence of action, data from an experiment). The purpose of action isn’t to feel a certain way, it’s to gain information on how to get a desired result. When your brain makes this shift, you will be able to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION in your business, relationships, and life with greater EASE and CONFIDENCE.
In this lesson you will learn how to separate action math from action drama. 20 steps is 20 steps, whether you’re entering your home from your car or approaching that beautiful woman in the coffee shop. The fourth lesson will teach you to FEEL THE SAME in both circumstances – after all, it’s just 20 steps!
Lesson 5 The Power Of Emotions
In lesson five, I give you the secret that will change your life FOREVER.
The truth is, I’ve already said it several times – in week five I will teach it to you.
- Desired Outcomes & Taking Points
- What Emotions Are
- Where Emotions Come From
- Why Emotions Matter
- Emotional Balance
- Why We Want To Allow Our Emotions
- How To Allow & Process Emotions
- Creating Emotions To Fuel Action
- Discomfort Is The Price Of Growth
- Indulgent Emotions

The fifth lesson aims to undo everything you think you know about life and the way the world works. Right now you think you want {$10,000,000/the beautiful girlfriend/the amazing marriage/the 6-pack abs} because when you have it you will feel {amazing/confident/loved/happy/fulfilled}. That’s backwards. By the end of the fifth week you will have the algorithm AND formula to have the life of your dreams.
I’ll tell you what it is RIGHT NOW:
Instead of chasing results so you will feel a certain way (backwards/Beta), you create specific feelings so you will attain a certain result (Universal Truth/Alpha).
The fifth lesson unlocks and the secret to living life intentionally and teaches you HOW to create Indomitable Self-Confidence (and any other feeling) with emotional ownership.
At this point in the course, you are likely noticing some MAJOR changes in your cognition, your relationships and your LIFE. You experience more abundance, you feel more in control and empowered, and people seem to be drawn to you.
Physiologically, your body starts to respond to your new thoughts. You feel more energy and positivity through the day. Your posture changes, as you stand upright and look straight ahead to the horizon instead of down to the ground.
Pay attention.
At this stage of the program, you are no longer the person who began this course.
The next three lessons will solidify your indomitable self-confidence and translate it to your future self and your future success.
Lesson 6 Becoming Your Future Self: How To Get It Done

Indomitable Self-Confidence is the emotion that drives MASSIVE ACTION and MASSIVE CHANGE. Whatever the reason you want to increase your confidence, I am 99% sure it has to do with your future – your relationships, your wealth, and/or your health. The person you were yesterday is determining the results you have today. The person you are today will determine your results tomorrow. The results you want tomorrow requires you to be a different person today. Lesson six will teach you the skill-set to create and step into the shoes of your future self – the person you WANT TO and are MEANT TO BE.
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Time
- Importance Of Commitment
- Proactivation
- Process For Accomplishing A Goal
The reason you aren’t the person you want to be is because your brain resists change. Period. It’s EASIER to remain who you are. That is the ONLY reason. In this lesson, I am going to show you how to override you brains natural response to resist change so that you can BE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. You’ll learn how to set up a blueprint to follow so you can walk into your future as the person you intend.
The sixth lesson will reveal to you that the only difference between the person you are and the person you want to be is your results – and your results come from your actions which come from your emotions which come from your thoughts. By the end of the sixth lesson you will BE LIVING a different life and learning how to THINK LIKE the person that is living that new life.
Lesson 7 Doing The Impossible
The seventh lesson sets you up to move forward and practice developing Indomitable Self-Confidence. It’s time to tell your brain to do something impossible. It’s time to show your brain who’s in charge. In the seventh week you will choose an impossible goal and ACHIEVE IT over the next year.
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Benefit Of Being Unrealistic
- Worthy Fails vs. Escape Fails
- Goal Selection
- Obstacles
- Strategies
- Failing Well – Winning Or Learning

By the seventh lesson, you are ready to tackle the year in front of you. You will be armed with empowering cognition tools and a blueprint to create the life you want, one piece at a time. You are telling yourself new and amazing stories about who you are than you did 7 weeks ago. The stories we tell ourselves and other people is called an IDENTITY. At this point, you’ve created a new identity – your life is no longer going to be what it was.
You will exit the seventh lesson of the course with a new outlook on what’s possible for yourself and your future. The word ‘impossible’ will have a whole new meaning for you. The seventh lesson will end with the first steps of a plan for creating the impossible in your life complete, building failure resilience, and the cognition and emotional framework laid down for success.
Lesson 8 Review & Moving Forward

In lesson 8, we complete the plan for accomplishing the impossible goal over the next year of your life, review all the concepts in the program, and discuss moving forward with the Spartan Academy For The Development of Cognitive Mastery. The Indomitable Self-Confidence Course is a stand-alone course – once you complete this program you will have all the tools required to walk in Indomitable Self-Confidence and live the life of your dreams. Of course, that doesn’t mean the journey has to end. . .
- Desired Outcomes & Talking Points
- Review
- Make A Plan
- Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Academy For The Development of Cognitive Mastery
The end of the eighth lesson is the end of the course. By this time you will know what it means to have and create Indomitable Self-Confidence. You will be attacking life with eagerness, enthusiasm, and excitement. You’ll be able to talk to anyone and anytime in anyplace. You’ll be taking more risks and achieving more (you’ll also be failing more which means you will be LEARNING and GROWING). Best of all, you will be living into your future. Your life will be AHEAD of you instead of BEHIND you.
If This All Sounds Too Good To be True. . .
I want you to know right now that that is a limiting belief so many people share with you. It’s precisely that limiting belief that prevent people from taking a shot at the opportunities that will change their lives and open them up to grow into a better version of themselves.
Here’s the bottom line: self-confidence isn’t simply the secret to getting the life you want. It’s also the secret to enjoying the life you have.
I don’t sell a service – I provide a result.
The Indomitable Self-Confidence Course is a guaranteed result.