

The Alpha Male is the man who is the same in all situations, acts consciously upon the world, and creates an effect on his environment.

The Beta Male is the man who alters who he is based on the situation, procrastinates and acts hesitantly or in reaction to his emotions, and allows his environment to create an effect on him.

Redefining "Alpha Male"

Forget everything you think you know about the definition of an “Alpha Male”. An Alpha Male has NOTHING to do with physical appearance, net worth, assertiveness, dominance, or power. Nor does it have anything to do with attracting women, leading groups of people, or running companies. This is all conjecture from an archaic age of unhealthy masculine energy. 

The new definition of “Alpha Male”, as we are actively and intentionally redefining the term, is a spiritual man who is awakening to his predicament of living in a limited reality based on conditioning around fear, separation, and exclusivity. As you awaken to your Alpha State within you, you move away from this conditioning and towards an experience of love, unity, and inclusiveness. 

The Redefined Alpha Male is not based on external appearances, possessions, titles, or relationships. Rather, it is defined by an internal experience and alchemy that transmutes suffering into grace, shadows into gifts, and pain into progress. 

Welcome to your True Self – living as an Alpha Male!

Do You? Are You?

Do you find yourself constantly asking, “Is this all there is?” and “What comes next?”

Do you feel out of control of your behavior?

Do you spend too much time ruminating in your mind, being “In your head?”

Do you struggle with procrastination and missed opportunities?

Do you complain, blame, and judge others quickly or reactively?

Are you controlled by the habits in your life you want to stop?

Are you tired of being dysfunctional, painful, or toxic relationships?

Are you unsatisfied with the results in your life?

Are you ready to put an END to all irrational fear?

Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

The Alpha Male is the man who is the same in all situations, acts consciously upon the world, and creates an effect on his environment.

The Beta Male is the man who alters who he is based on the situation, procrastinates and acts hesitantly or in reaction to his emotions, and allows his environment to create an effect on him.

You are an Alpha Male. You were born into it. It’s a part of being a man. 

Living as an Alpha means using your thinking to create your results. An Alpha is the CHOOSER of his thoughts, the Beta is the CHOICE that is the thought. The Alpha is the master of his thinking, the Beta is the slave to his thoughts. The Alpha takes responsibility for his actions and results because he knows his actions and results are determined by his cognition. The Beta blames other people and his circumstances for his actions and results because he believes it’s always someone else fault. The Alpha bends his circumstances to fit who he is, the Beta changes who he is to fit his circumstances. The Alpha determines his destiny with his cognition, the Beta allows circumstance and luck to determine his destiny.


I don’t want to be a product of my environment (Beta). I want my environment to be a product of me (Alpha).

You will remember the Truth about yourself.

You will learn how to be more confident in all situations.

You will heal all relationships and be more attractive to all beings; women, friends, strangers, and even enemies.

It’s time you unlock your personal greatness, remember Who You Are, and Elevate Your ALPHA!

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