Ep #78: Training For Chaos Part 3

In the final part of the Training for Chaos series we are going to be talking about time.  This is the best time to talk about what our brains are trying to tell us about time!

Humans are a very tough species, and we are going to get through this.  It’s not the first virus we’ve been through, and it won’t be the last.  Because we are all at home, we have more time than ever to work on our thoughts.

What thoughts do we want to focus on at a time like this so that we can still produce value?  When we are all going back to work, what can we do to add more value than we did before?









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What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

  • How we can use this abundance of time to create something new
  • What types of thoughts to focus on so we can bring MORE value back to our work

Listen to the Full Episode:

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  • Learn how you can enter to win one of five FREE coaching sessions here!
  • Sign up for Unleash Your Alpha, your guide to shifting to the Alpha mindset.

Kevin Aillaud:

Hey brothers. Before we get started today, I wanted to make a quick announcement to anybody who has been considering joining the Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Agoge, Academy for the Development of Cognitive Mastery and Emotional Ownership in the month of April because April is going to be focused on time. We’re going to talk about time and managing your mind around that mental construct. A lot of us think time is something that exists outside of us. It is only in our brain. And I think that there is no better time than to observe the stories our brains are telling us about time than right now because most of us have so much more time on our hands than we did before.

Kevin Aillaud:

I want to use this month to take a deep dive into mind management, and no other time has been more important to manage our minds under the universal truth than right now. We are going to be the examples to everyone around us. Guys, we’re going to lead, we are going to alpha. We have to show the way. We can do this. It’s game time. So in the spirit of mastery, of cognitive mastery and emotional ownership and complete commitment to each of you, managing your minds through what’s happening in our changing of circumstances, changing of our global circumstances. I’m going to be coaching and teaching a different webinar each week in the academy. And it’s my goal to fill your brain with ideas that serve you. So what you’re going to learn is how to use the challenges that we’re currently faced with to make you stronger. I’m going to talk about circumstances. I’m going to talk about drama. I’m going to talk about leading. I’m going to talk about mastering and certainties. I’m going to talk about business worries and money worries. I will also address buffering.

Kevin Aillaud:

I know some of you are out there, you’re eating more, you’re watching more pornography. So I’m going to talk to you guys about buffering to get through this. And I want to show you that there’s a different way and that this is a perfect opportunity to implement it. You have this opportunity in front of you. And I want to invite you to enroll in the Spartan Academy if you aren’t already a member. If you are a student, if you’re already in the Spartan Academy, I want to really encourage you to show up in these webinars live. I want to encourage you to schedule your one-on-one office hours, that was coaching sessions with me. And we need to have enough mind inspection so we know how to separate facts from thoughts. That’s the move. That’s 80%, brothers. That’s the momentous leap. I really want you to be utilizing those tools.

Kevin Aillaud:

We’re at home, we’re working on our brains, so let’s go. Elevate your alpha.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast, the only podcast that teaches men the cognitive mastery and alpha mindset that it takes to become an influential and irresistible man of confidence. Here’s your host, certified life coach and international man of mystery, Kevin Aillaud.

Kevin Aillaud:

What’s up my brothers? Welcome back to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast. I am your host, Kevin Aillaud. And this could be the episode you’ve been waiting for. I don’t know. Maybe one of the last two episodes resonated something for you, and you’re out there crushing it right now. And maybe this is the episode you’ve been waiting for. I have fun things for you today. I have some serious things for you today, so let’s get to it. But I actually want to start because I was going to start with two stories. I was going to talk to you guys about the story of a couple of actors that really had alpha stories, kind of like the alpha experiences. But the first thing is, I think it’d be better just to get right to the content because the stories themselves are so fun and we could talk about them another time. I’ll bring them up on another podcast.

Kevin Aillaud:

But for this one, I just want to tell you guys that we were built for this, okay? This is my thought. This is what I’m thinking. I’m thinking we were built for this, not you, me, but our species, human beings, we’re built for this. All of us, we’re built for this. Personally, I’m built for this personally. Coaches are built for these kinds of situations, these kinds of circumstances, and human beings are too. Let’s put it this way, if life was a sport, this is the Super Bowl, right? This is the Stanley Cup. This is what we trained for. Neutral circumstances and thought management. It really is game time, right? This is the time to do it.

Kevin Aillaud:

Waking up every single morning and it’s almost like there’s this feeling of so much passion, so much movement, so much let’s get it done, let’s do the work, let’s make it happen today. And here’s the thing, you guys know I was a fitness coach for a long time. Maybe you didn’t, but if you didn’t, now you do. I was a fitness coach for a very long time. And I was a CrossFit coach specifically, right? So I used to own a CrossFit gym, which is a very kind of specific type of fitness. CrossFit’s actually a brand name. It’s a trademark, but it’s a type of fitness, it’s a type of functional fitness. And they have their own sort of like annual Olympics. It’s called the CrossFit Games.

Kevin Aillaud:

This time now, what we’re going through now, it’s like the CrossFit games. It’s like we’ve been training hard, we’ve been doing the reps, constantly varied, functional movements, executing high intensity, day in, day out, eating clean, getting lots of sleep, lots of rest, lots of massages, here it is, this is it, now is the time. It’s go time, it’s the games.

Kevin Aillaud:

And I feel like that’s kind of what’s happening. Because for the last several years I’ve been studying the mind, to practice utilizing the mind, right? To train the mind and working on the mind. And there’s no better time for me to get out there and work as hard as I can in this game called life and offer as much help as I can because it’s kind of like now it’s like life is presenting me with here it is, this is the moment. I was built for this. But also you were built for this, right? Because even if you’re not a life coach, even if it’s not something where you’re offering people help to help themselves with life, you can still handle anything because you have the alpha state because you can elevate your alpha.

Kevin Aillaud:

So check this out. We’re freaked out if we don’t have toilet paper, right? We’re freaked out about it. But human beings can handle life without it. Human beings can handle life without toilet paper. Human beings can handle life without a stock market. Human beings can end life without a job. These are some of the things we’re talking about. Stock market, economy, jobs. How do I know this? How do I believe this? Because that’s where we came from because we didn’t always have toilet paper. We didn’t always have the stock market. We didn’t always have jobs. We evolved from that. We come from humans that lived that way, right? That way with nothing, with no market, with no job, with no toilet paper, and they used their brains to create this life we have now. Before we had toilet paper, before we had a stock market, before we had an economy, someone had to think it up in their brain, and they had to create it in this life.

Kevin Aillaud:

So not only are we going to make it, we’re going to go way beyond anything that we’re going to experience in the next three months. Right? Anything that happens to us now or in the next three months or the next six months, or the next year, by 10 years we will have gone way beyond that because that’s what we’re built for. That’s what we evolved for and from. Our brain is very aware and we are very capable of handling this. We are built or we were built for this, right? We are built for this. And it’s important to keep our minds with us and not lose our minds. And you know what, brother, if you have lost your mind, it’s okay because it’s out there, we’re going to go find it. My goal as a life coach is to help everybody find their mind. Because in finding the mind, we get back all of our power, we get back all of our control.

Kevin Aillaud:

I want you to know that certainty is just a feeling we create, and we create it with our thoughts. Certainty is not an objective thing. Certainty is an idea. The world doesn’t create it for us. The stock market doesn’t create it for us. Jobs and money doesn’t create certainty. People out there in the world and their behavior, whatever they do, whatever they say, they don’t create certainty. Even when they say things, even when like so-called experts present us with so-called words, they’re not creating certainty. We create certainty in our own mind by what we think. So right now people think, “I don’t know what’s going on. It’s the end of the world.” And you can think that, and you can also think that it’s no big deal. And I think either one of those thoughts may serve some of you, right? Because yes, there are a lot of unknowns, but I like to think that humans are bad asses, right?

Kevin Aillaud:

And, okay, so I say that word and now my editor’s got to put an E next to the episode, and that’s fine because I believe that. Humans are bad asses. Now, I’m not saying that we’re just going to go about our business and if you get it and die, if you get this virus and die, well tough luck. Too bad for you, survival of the fittest. I’m not saying that. We are out here looking out for each other in so many ways, and that’s how I choose to think about this. But I also want you to know that I believe humans are really tough creatures, we’re tough organisms, we’re really tough cellular machines. We are going to live through this virus and survive that some way. We have beaten every other virus that is ever sprung up. And the list is very long.

Kevin Aillaud:

Guys, if you think that the coronavirus is the first virus we’ve ever come across, I got to tell you it’s not, okay? Humans are resilient. I also have been very interested in seeing what goes on in our economy, right? And I love goes on in people’s minds when the economy changes, not so much in a boom, but I love seeing what happens in a recession. The market goes up and down, right? Then if you look at the history of the stock market, we’ve got lots of bull markets, we’ve got lots of bear markets. They’re going up, they’re going down. And sometimes they’re super severe, right? Super fast drops. And sometimes they’re more slow and gradual, and we recover and the stock market recovers and it’s no big deal.

Kevin Aillaud:

And when you look at the cause, I want to say this, I want you guys to understand this, when you look at the cause of what’s going on here, I could get very reassured that there is nothing going on in terms of what is affecting value right now, right? There’s no shortage of value creation. The virus isn’t effecting value, just production of value. So we have to shut everything down in some ways, right? So companies have to stop creating their value temporarily. But as soon as we’re able to get back to value creation, it will boom again. So all the money that people aren’t spending right now, they’ll be able to spend. All the businesses that shut down will be able to open back up after they’ve weathered the storm, right? So looking at life, you guys know that I look at life as 50/50, right? Actually, that’s not true. You guys don’t. Actually you know I look at life as neutral. I look at life as a blank slate.

Kevin Aillaud:

However, since you have to use your mind to create thought and emotion and action, I look at life as a balance, 50% amazing and 50% awful. And we’re on the awful side of 50 for some of us, for some of us, that’s where we dig in. We dig into that other part of life. And I want to talk about value. So you guys know that I’m 50/50 balanced. But I want to talk about value though because I think it’s really important to understand, even if you don’t understand economics. And you don’t have to understand economics. You don’t even have to understand what’s going on in the stock market and it’s falling. Because I want to be very clear that value is not determined, and the production of value is not determined by what is happening out there.

Kevin Aillaud:

Even if your company has closed or you’re at home, there’s no reason why you can’t produce value because value is produced in the brain. Value is coming from what we are thinking, and what we were thinking about what we are producing. So even though the effect is showing that the value of some of our stocks have gone down, the value of what we are producing doesn’t need to go down. And in fact, that’s the beauty of humans in crisis. Look at what happened on 9/11. The beauty of humans in crisis is that we evolve to solve problems, we are evolved to create solutions. The bigger the obstacle, the bigger the solution, the more the problems, the more the solutions we’re going to create. That’s what humans do. We can elevate our alpha in terms of value creation, in terms of ideas, in terms of product production, in terms of helping people.

Kevin Aillaud:

One of the best things that you can do right now is to produce value. The kind of value that only you can produce, the kind of help that only you can offer. If you are a life coach or a coach of any kind really, that means it’s all hands on deck right now. I mean, I was in the navy, all hands on deck, right? That’s the move. If you are having a hard time figuring out how to help your people, to manage your people or to talk to your employees, I am here for you. My suggestion to you, as a manager, if you’re a CEO running a company, is that you encourage high level production. Don’t just send your employees home and have them do nothing. If you have virtual employees, even if you have had to send your employees home to work from home, you encourage them to see it as a place where they can produce. It’s not a vacation.

Kevin Aillaud:

I don’t think that that is the answer here. It’s not, “Just go home. We’re going to pay you.” I think we need to keep producing at the highest level. Not from stress, right guys? Not from stress, not from panic, but from value creation, from wanting to create value. I think it’s times like this where you can create value and you can increase the value that you can create. I think it’s such an interesting concept when I talk to people about this. And people sometimes misinterpret it, so I want you to be clear that what I’m talking about is not your worth. There’s a difference between value and worth. Your worth is already absolute. I talk about this a lot. Your worthiness is 100%. there’s nothing you could ever do or not do that would ever change that. Your worth is on negotiable.

Kevin Aillaud:

But the value that you can create in your brain is produced from your thoughts. And you can produce that in the world in a variable way, depending on how you think. And so I think that this can be a time for us all to really get out there and increase our value. I mentioned this last week, a friend of mine has been wanting to work remotely and requesting to do so for months. She’s been repeatedly denied, but now with all this happening, she’s gotten her request and here’s the thing. This is the opportunity for her. This is the best time to show how much value she can continue to produce for her company while she works remotely, so that when this whole thing passes and everyone goes back to the workplace, she can leverage herself as creating just as much value, or more, by working remotely.

Kevin Aillaud:

And all of you can do that. If you want to work remotely, you can use this as an opportunity to show your company, to show your boss that you can produce more value from home. And check this out, even from the company’s perspective. If you can motivate and manage your employees to continue to produce at a high level from home, then when the pandemic has passed, you won’t even need to bring these employees back to the brick and mortar building that you’re paying high rent for, and get the same amount of value and production from them while cutting costs. Then the employee wins because they don’t have to commute anymore. And this is what I mean when I say the alpha win, win, win situation. For some of you in the careers that you’re in, it may not be life coaching, but it doesn’t matter because maybe you can still be more valuable.

Kevin Aillaud:

All you have to do is ask how do companies handle recessions? How do companies handle layoffs and downsizing? How can I make sure that this is something I can contribute. I can contribute to this, I can have ideas, I can help, how can I help my companies? How has my company handled this in the past? And who do I want to be with this? What is the person? What is my best self? How can I show up the best in this situation? When we start going into our panic brain, we turn inward and only think about fear and what we need, and we forget to ask other people, especially our bosses and our loved ones above us. Our bosses above us or people that are supervising us, but also our loved ones. We forget to ask people that are responsible and maybe how are they doing?

Kevin Aillaud:

Because we’re thinking about ourselves so much. We’re so worried about what we are doing. Even with our families, we’re so worried about how we are with our families that we forget to ask how they are doing. And I think it’s important. I think it’s important to ask, “How’s it going? What are you thinking? How are you feeling?” Have those moments of conversation. “Is there anything I can do to help? What are your ideas here? How’s your boss doing? What’s the team doing? What are you contributing? What can you do?” Even if they close it all down, even if they shut down your company, “You got to go home. All of you guys go home.” How can you connect and come up with ideas, and what can you do to add value to this situation? Because every single person can. Every single person can add value in their way.

Kevin Aillaud:

So your value is going to grow more based on what you’ve learned and what you create. And you can help in direct proportion to the value you create and contribute, brother. At this time, more than ever, you need a creator and a contributor, more than a consumer. Because we think about consuming as taking. We have too many consuming information, too much information is making our brains have way too many thoughts. The brains are flipping out, and they’re not able to function at their highest level when they’re in fight or flight mode because they’re constantly consuming danger all day. So I want to encourage you to switch that off and to become a contributor and a creator. How can you add more value? How can you help more people? How can you add more value into your brain for yourself? How can you become stronger and more skilled?

Kevin Aillaud:

Here’s something I want to offer you. Check this out and truly think about this. I want to offer this to every person you can. Offer this to yourself and [inaudible 00:18:24]. As humans we are wired for survival, which means we’re wired for short term vision. What are we going to do today? What are we going to do tomorrow? That’s it. That’s pretty much our wiring. Our short term brain. This is why people panic and they sell their stocks. This is why people panic and they start hoarding toilet paper. This is why people panic and they start punching people in the face over a gallon of drinking water. It’s because the brain is trying to protect you. It’s trying to take care of you. And one of the best ways to get out of fight or flight, and to get out of that panic mode that you’re in is to have longterm vision, future focus thinking.

Kevin Aillaud:

For many of us, it just needs to be six months. You don’t even have to do like 10 years. I’m not talking about that. You don’t even have to put yourself out there and start planning the next 10 years of your life. When things get turned back on and people start going back to work, where will you be in six months in terms of value that you’ve created for yourself right now? How have you taken care of yourself? What have you done for your families? What have you done for your relationships? You could say that one of the best things, one of the best circumstances for me to be in and to become more of who I am was this time.

Kevin Aillaud:

Listen, this is what we’re built for. It’s what we’re called to do. Not to succumb to circumstances and our thoughts about them, but to rise above them and to connect with our highest selves, to connect with our alpha state. This is the opportunity for you to recognize that this is your calling. And that’s our highest self spiritually, but it’s also our highest selves in terms of our brains, in terms of our minds. What are you utilizing your mind to do right now? Are you utilizing your mind to create and add value? Or are you using it to panic and freak out? Then here’s what I want to say. Let’s give a nod. Let’s just take a moment for every single one of our ancestors that went before us, that just didn’t succumb. That just didn’t succumb to what their brains were telling us them. They didn’t just give in to all the pain of sleeping on rocks, of not having heaters and air conditioners, and coffee on the corner. We freak out when they take our wifi away. When our wifi drops we lose our minds.

Kevin Aillaud:

Well, what do we call these things? I have a friend, [inaudible 00:20:43] first world. It’s a first world problems, right? We’ve got all these first world problems. But these guys, our ancestors, they didn’t even have cleanliness. They didn’t even wash their hands. They didn’t know what a germ was. What would it have been like to live like that, and have all that violence, and all that famine, and all that lack of science and knowledge and experience the world that they live? What would that be like? And also think about it the other way too. Think about, they’ve got all the violence and the famine, but the beauty of it too. Even though they didn’t have wifi, what did they have? What did they have?

Kevin Aillaud:

The only way we are going to evolve is when we are met by obstacles and hardship. Check this out. If we came to the planet and everything was perfect all the time, we wouldn’t have to grow, we wouldn’t have to evolve. We would just lay around all day eating apples. Except the apples from that tree. We’re not going to eat the apples from that tree. But basically we just sit around and enjoying the sunshine, enjoying the nature, eating apples. And I mean, the obstacles are what make us evolve. This is how the planet has always been. This is how life is. This is how it’s always going to be. And I think a lot of times we think the world should be good, it should be good, and there shouldn’t be disasters. There shouldn’t be challenges. There shouldn’t be viruses. There shouldn’t be layoffs. There shouldn’t be economic downturns. The stock market should just continually be bullish. It should always be going up.

Kevin Aillaud:

And we think that, and we think that that’s the way it should always be, but it’s not the way it’s always be. That’s the way it’s never been. So we probably should start to know that it’s never been that way and understand the way it is because that’s how it is. And we can’t argue with it, but we can make peace with it. And then when we make peace with it, we say, “Yes, this is how the world is.” Then we can say, “Now what?” And we can answer ourselves with we can be who we want to be in that circumstance, now that that circumstance has changed and we can get to work on kicking ass.

Kevin Aillaud:

I want to talk briefly about the people who have been freaked out about dying. I think now, I think this podcast might be the time to do that because I have a really positive spin on that and I’m going to tell it to you. I think it’s important to remember that dying has always been on the table for all of us, every single day of our lives. And I say this, I may have said this before, we could die at any single time. You could step off the street corner into the road and get hit by a car. You could be driving and get hit by a car. I think car crashes are actually the number one cause of death, now that I’ve mentioned two ways that you could die by being hit by a car. But the idea of death, the possibly of death has always been on the table. It’s always been on the table for us. It’s always been on the table for our kids. It’s always been on the table for our parents, for the elderly people.

Kevin Aillaud:

Death is probably even more on the table for the elderly people because they’re getting closer to the end of what we call life. Death is a part of life. It’s always been on the table. The problem is we can’t function if we’re thinking about it all the time. If we wake up every morning and we think about that, we could die today, which we could, all of us could die every single day. But if we think about it all the time, it would be really hard to function. If we thought about our kids dying every single day, it was like, “This could be the day. This could be the day I lose my kids. This could be the day I lose my life.” And here’s the thing, it could be the day. That’s what I’m saying. I’m not telling you it’s not going to be the day. I’m telling you it could be the day.

Kevin Aillaud:

But if you’re thinking about all the time it’s going to be hard to function. And yet so many of us are trying to function with those thoughts now because we’re talking about the number of deaths, and we’re talking about the number of people infected with this virus. It’s on the front of our minds, even though it’s always been there, even though death has always been there, even though people die every day. 150,000 people die every single day across the world. That’s on the normal. That’s according to the interwebs. When you punch it up into the interwebs, and according to Wikipedia it’s 150,000 people. So if we woke up every day and thought that 150 people are going to die today, every day, we probably not feel great if we made that mean something negative.

Kevin Aillaud:

If you woke up every morning and you had that in your brain, “Today, 150,000 people are going to die.” If you make that mean something negative, you’re probably not going to feel that great. Think about being a doctor who deals with hundreds of deaths every day, especially doctors like cancer doctors or doctors that are doctors of acute conditions. I just want to remind all of us that death has always been there. It’s a balance to life. We cannot have life without death. Just like we cannot have happiness without sadness, we cannot have life without death. It’s always been a possibility, we’ve just thought about it differently than we’re thinking about it right now. And so it’s very important for you to look at your thoughts about that. Look at your thoughts about illness, sickness, infection. Make sure they’re the thoughts you want to be thinking.

Kevin Aillaud:

150,000 people will die today, that’s not negotiable according to the interwebs. That’s just the way of the world. That’s just the way it’s going to happen. That’s just what is. There’s a lot of ways that people can die. We have had to find a way to make peace with that so that we can move on. We’ve had to find a way on some level to make peace that we could all die at any moment because you’re not thinking about it. You’ve made peace with it. It’s a possibility, but it’s not in the forefront of your brain. And if we think about it in a way that panics us and we spend a lot of time thinking about it, then we won’t be able to function. So if you’re really struggling, talk to someone about it that isn’t thinking about it all the time. Get a life coach that isn’t panicking about this, that isn’t freaking out about this and talk to them. Or talk to a friend, or just someone that you notice isn’t having a hard time. Talk to them and ask them straight up, “What are your thoughts about this COVID? What are your thoughts about this virus?” And see if you can borrow some of their thoughts, so you can move on because thoughts are optional. And if they’re having ones that you like, steal them.

Kevin Aillaud:

I want to talk a little bit about money and how people tend to go to the extremes when it comes to money. Because money’s a very charged topic for us and it’s really like an all or nothing type of thing. So there’s a lot of scarcity around it. And so much, just as much as I want you to look at your thoughts about dying, those thoughts are so similar. There’s so many similar thoughts about dying as you have about money. It’s like a scarcity of life, there’s a scarcity of money. So I also want you to look at thoughts about money and how the thoughts you have about money in the world hasn’t changed. So here’s a really simplistic thought that I was thinking about. When you look at the stock market, it doesn’t exist on its own. It exists with all of us. It’s almost like air, money goes into it, money goes out of it. But when money goes into and goes out of it, it’s shared. It’s a part of all of us. The same way air, when I breathe air, it’s in my lungs, but it’s not my air. And when I breathe it back out, you may breathe that air back in. But that makes it not yours because a moment ago was in my lungs. It’s kind of the same thing with money and the circulation of money in the stock market.

Kevin Aillaud:

So if the stock market goes down, it’s because people sell, they take their cash out of the market, they take their money out of the stock market. And if I take money out of the stock market, it’s not going to be in there. And so the value of the stock market as a whole, of part of all of us, is going to go down. But that’s the perception. The money that’s coming out of the stock market, people selling that money is just going into those people’s bank accounts. Now, I know it’s a very simplistic way of thinking about it, but it’s important for those of you who think that that money has disappeared, like the money that was in the market has now just disappeared. We think that it’s just gone. Like it’s burned up. Like it’s evaporated. It’s not true. It’s still there, it’s just in someone’s bank account. It was always their money, it was in their investment account in invested in that market, but now it’s not in that market. Now it’s in their bank account.

Kevin Aillaud:

And you know what? It’s probably going to come back. It’s probably going to go back into the market in time. And when you take longterm vision, especially with your money because you look at your account, you’d be like, “Well, it used to be here and now it’s there.” But your brain says it’s gone forever. Or you could say it’s a temporary turn down and that’s what the stock market does. Because one person pulls their money out, another person puts their money in, but it’s constant. And if there’s less money in the market, then there’s just more cash in the banks. It didn’t disappear or burn up and it’s not gone forever.

Kevin Aillaud:

If you sit and look at what’s happening with your money, with your portfolio, investments, whatever, and start making it mean a lot of scary things, you’re going to have hard time producing value. Again, guys, value begins in the brain. And if you’re filling your brain with a bunch of fear and scarcity, you’re going to have a tough time creating value. And yes, there’s value in your bank. I get that there’s value in money, there’s value in stocks, there’s value in your bank account. But there’s way more value in your brain. And you may not be able to create a lot of value in the stock market right now, wait a couple more weeks, maybe we’ll hit bottom and we’ll see the bounce. We don’t know. I don’t know. Who knows? Although let’s be honest, the market is so low.

Kevin Aillaud:

That’s what I’m saying. It’s kind of like at this bottom. If you invest right now, you’re probably going to make a ton of money because even if it could keeps going down, it’s at a low right now and it’s going to come back. So you’re going to make money if you invest now. Wait another week it might bounce. Who knows? But the guys who have the guts. Think about it. It’s not everybody that’s losing their shirt here guys. The guys who have the guts to predict corona, like corona hits and all of a sudden they’ve got guts. So what do they do? They go and they sell short positions. If you don’t know what selling short is it means they sell a position that they don’t own. It’s a very risky place to be, but if you do it right and you take the risk, then I guarantee you at this point you are rich. You may have a lot more money than you did in February.

Kevin Aillaud:

But those people are making crazy amounts of money. It’s important to know that. It’s important to think about them too because it’s easy to think that everyone is struggling. It’s easy to think that everybody’s in the same position that you might be, or that your friends might be. The FedEx guy, or the DoorDash driver, who are making triple the amount of money they were making before. These guys are making three times more money because they’re working three times harder than they did before because everybody’s at home, and they need their FedEx shipments and food deliveries. These guys are doing their thing. They’re making it happen.

Kevin Aillaud:

It’s interesting to look at these other perspectives and know that this neutral circumstance is affecting people in different ways. So be careful. Be careful with thoughts about money that seem like facts. Thoughts like, “Nobody’s going to have any money. This recession is going to be terrible for people. Nobody’s going to be spending money. Nobody’s going to be out buying stuff.” It’s not true. Lots and lots of people are out buying lots and lots of stuff. Spending money is what will keep the economy going. There are areas that you won’t be able to spend. And I get that. Restaurants are closed, bars are closed, we’re not going to be able to go into Best Buy and buy the thing that we would have bought, but we will be able to get it online. The value of the internet and the value of being able to still get what we need through the internet is glorious. It’s magic. As a 40 year old man, I got to tell you the internet is beautiful.

Kevin Aillaud:

I want to really think about where you can find it within you. Something that maybe you wouldn’t have been able to find at any other time. I think these kinds of times give us an opportunity to look inside and to see what’s there that maybe we wouldn’t have taken the time to notice before. So ask yourself, what do you want? Maybe this is a great reset or transitional time for you. What do you want in your life? What is the purpose of your life? Are you living your purpose? Or is this a good opportunity for you to say, “Let me rethink how I want to create my life. What is my brain focusing on? What am I creating value for? What is the value that’s into my brain and is that what I want it to be?” Shake off the thoughts that you’re having that are scaring you. Sit down and make a plan. How can you add value today? How can you create a life that is valuable?

Kevin Aillaud:

Think about a year from now, two years from now, write that vision. Spend a lot of time there in your mind. Spend a lot of time in your mind talking to your future self, who is a couple of years ahead of you and is way past all of what’s happening now. You were built for this, you were made for this. It is your time, your time on Earth as a human. And this is one of the obstacles that you get, that is gifted to you to utilize in order to evolve.

Kevin Aillaud:

That’s what I got for you this week guys, and that concludes the Training for Chaos podcast series. I want to offer you guys two things. I’m going to conclude this podcast episode with two things. First, go to thealphamalecoach.com, and sign up to receive The Indomitable Self-Confidence newsletter, okay? This is important because all through the month of April, the receivers of the Indomitable Self-Confidence newsletter will receive a link to join the April Elevated Alpha Society Spartan webinars for free, there will be one every week. These webinars are like classes. That’s huge. April is time management month in the academy, and I know many of you have extra time on your hands these days.

Kevin Aillaud:

The other offer that I want to put out there, is that I’m putting together a course helping you find the value within you and manifesting it into being. I call it How to Create a Side Business, and I know you are going to want to check that out, even if you don’t have any goals of creating more money or a second revenue stream. Even if that’s not what you want to do during this time. If you want to do something else, this course is going to help you be more creative and produce more value in your life, in the form of quality of life and purpose and passion, and what you offer to others, and how you build the relationship with yourself. So that’s coming soon and I will let you know when it’s available, but I want to offer it to you now so that you can anticipate that coming out.

Kevin Aillaud:

All right, brothers, we are in April. Go to thealphamalecoach.com. Sign up for The Indomitable Self-Confidence newsletter to get the links to the weekly webinars this month. Then book a free 45 minute consultation call with me to discuss anything you’re struggling with. And when you’re ready to use this time you have been gifted to develop your self through cognitive mastery and emotional ownership, go ahead and enroll in the Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Agoge. It’s the Academy for the Development of Cognitive Mastery and Emotional Ownership. You can do that at thealphamalecoach.com, by clicking in the menu under work with Kevin.

Kevin Aillaud:

All right, brothers. Have an amazing weekend. I love you all. Have an amazing week, and I will see you all at the webinar next week. And until then, elevate your alpha.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to this episode of The Alpha Male Coach Podcast. If you enjoy what you’ve heard, and want even more, sign up for Unleash Your Alpha, your guide to shifting to the alpha mindset at thealphamalecoach.com/unleashed.



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