Ep #271: TV of Life (a.k.a Who Am I? Part 2) – Part 2

We begin part two of our TV of life with a deep dive into the astral. This is channel five, the channel of human design and energy. It is your star sign – your connection to astrological energy. As we flip through the channels, things become less dense. That’s to say that we move away from form and the physical and closer to what we cannot see – closer to the truth. 

Channel six is the mirror channel, and this is where the illusion disappears. This is where you begin to recognize that everything is one. You and I are one. The tree and I are one. That squirrel and I are one. We are all one. And I’m not talking about building relationships and making friends, right? That happens in channels two and three because it is all about ego. All relationships are formed through ego because that is when you accept the stories that the other tells you about themselves. 

But channel six is not accepting or accommodating anyone – it is about being aware of the universal truth that everything that exists is one – and this is where souls are awakened, this is where miracles take place. Which brings us to channel seven: The void; the nothingness. You see, channel seven is who you really are. Every other channel is a rental. You are renting your mind and your body. They are still yours, it is still you, but when your body dies, you give everything back and all that remains is the nothingness you are and always will be. 

You are not your thoughts; your thoughts are helping you to create and shape reality. You are not your emotions; you merely experience them. You are not the identity of your name or your star sign; those are borrowed tools to help you navigate this realm we call Earth. You need to move away from the idea of who you think you are and detach yourself from the channels you are stuck on. This is cognitive mastery, brothers, this is emotional ownership. And this is how you elevate your alpha. 


What Youll Learn from This Episode:

  • Channel five: the astral realm, human design, and energy. 
  • Exploring the density decreases as you flip higher through the channels. 
  • Where the illusion of the other disappears: the mirror channel. 
  • How all relationships are formed around ego. 
  • The void; the real you: channel seven.

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[0:00:09.7] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast, the only podcast that teaches men the cognitive mastery and alpha mindset that it takes to become an influential and irresistible man of confidence. Here’s your host, certified life coach and international man of mystery, Kevin Aillaud.


[0:00:33.3] KA: Okay, people can get stuck on two, three, channel four. Now, people can get stuck on channel five as well. So, if we do another flip, what happens? We go another flip, get to channel five, and channel five could be considered like an astral realm, which I call it the astral. Call it like, if you’ve ever gone to an astrologer, and said, “Hey” like you’re a Taurus, like I’m a Taurus, for example, or you’re a Virgo or you’re a Leo or – and these astrologers, they have a system as well. 

Their system of explaining to you who you are is based on the cosmological bodies. The planetary bodies are moving and their positions in space and their system is who they think you are, and they will tell you who you are based on your birth location, your birth time, your birthday. And they’ll give you this whole story that probably will resonate with you, actually. 

It will probably resonate with you because it’s channel five because it is you, the same way that your body is you, the same way that your thoughts are you, the same way that your emotions are you. So is your astral persona or your astral illusion or your astral whatever. As a Taurus, I’m a Taurus, okay. Sagittarius moon, I guess. It’s Taurus, rising sun, Sagittarius moon. 

Human design is another one. Human design, the gene keys, these are a part of channel five because they’re based on the movements of the planets, they’re based on energy. Say energy, right? So, if we go, if channel two is forms, is body, and channel three is mind, and channel four is emotion, then channel five becomes energy. It’s that energy of the cosmos, it’s the energy of space and the astrological movements of these large gases and solid, just powerhouses of neutrinos and energy. 

And of course, it will resonate with you, I guarantee you, brothers. I guarantee you. I’m a human design analyst. I got the two-year, I don’t call it degree, it’s not an associates degree because it’s not accredited but it took two years to become an analyst in human design. Every time I’ve done a human design reading, everybody kind of nods their head. “Yup-yup-yup sounds like me, sounds like me, sounds like me, sounds like me.”

[0:02:37.2] Well sure, sure it does. The same way your thoughts sound like you. The same way your emotions feel like you, the same way your body looks like you, right? You look in the mirror, you say, “Oh yeah, that’s me. It looks like me, sure.” You think your thoughts, you’re like, who are you? “Well, I’m Jim.” George, Bob, whoever. 

Like, “Yeah, okay, that’s me, I’m this person.” How do you feel right now? “Well, I feel, content, so, that’s me, I’m content right now. I am content, you hear?” And so, when you hear an astrological reading or human design reading then yeah, you’re going to say, “Oh yeah, that resonates. Some of it does, some of it doesn’t but it sounds like me.”

But again, it’s just a channel. It’s a channel and as you kind of move through these channels, you change your frequency. Just say again, just like a radio. Just like a radio changes frequency. Now, station 88.4 is going to come in just as well as station 107.3. We talked about TV, we’ve talked about the radio. The station is sending a bandwidth, sending a frequency and if you tune into it, it’s going to come in. 

You’re going to receive it, you’re going to feel it, you’re going to identify with it, you’re going to think it’s you and it’s going to come in loud and clear. If you get stuck there, then you start thinking, “This is all there is. This is it, this is me. I am this body, I am this identity, I am these emotions, I am this Taurus” right? This astrological reading and again, many people do but the path or at least, when I say, detachment. 

When I say, letting go, when I say, will awaken, it’s to recognize that yes, it is but it’s not the totality. It’s not the only you. It’s not all you are because I don’t want to say you’re not your body, you are your body, you’ve come here to have a human body. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to the earth, right? 

Otherwise, your soul would have incarnated somewhere else but it incarnated here so you have a body and it’s your body, it’s you. Celebrate it, love it, , enjoy it but don’t be attached to it in such a way that it’s important, it’s significant, or that it’s the only thing that you are because once you do that, then you will suffer. Then you will be so into channel two, so into the body that you will suffer and it’s the same with Channel five.

[0:04:59.9] If you just go on your astrological reading, if you just say, “I’m a Taurus, I was born May 14th. So, I’m a Taurus.” Human design, I’m a projector, right? The classical projector. I’ve got these channels, right? I have the channel of perfected form and I’ve got the genius freak channel, which is probably what you guys experience a lot every week actually because some weeks, coach is a genius, and other weeks, “What did he say? what a freak.” That’s my channel, right? That’s my astrological energy.

Astrological energy is to put forth, to talk, to engage with, to share, and spread concepts that will either resonate with you as profound and powerful or not resonate with you as completely freakish and insane. It’s just my energy, right? I’m in channel five. In channel five, that’s the energy and that resonates, that’s a part of it but if I get stuck there if I get stuck telling myself, “I am a projector.” If I get stuck in human design and I say, “I am a projector” then I’m just going to follow all the things that human design says a projector should do.

I’m going to sleep 12 hours a day, because I need lots and lots of rest, I have low energy, right? Low energy, projectors are low energy, generators are high energy, right? So, I got to get lots of sleep. I’m not going to do any work because projectors don’t work, right? They guide. So, I’m going to make sure all I’m doing is guiding, guiding people I’m not going to – if I need to do any work, I’m just going to delegate, I’m going to find someone higher generator, just pay a generator to do it for me, right?

Because that’s the projector thing. I’m going to wait for invitations all the time, I’m never going to talk to anybody, I’m never going to approach anybody, I’m never going to introduce myself to anybody because I’m just going to wait for them to come to me. Just let them come, let them come because I got to wait for the invitation. If I approach, if I initiate, well, that’s a manifesto thing. It’s completely different energy and if I’m tuned into channel five, so much so that I completely identify myself as a projector all the time, that I’m just waiting around for invitations. That’s all I’m doing.

[0:07:00.4] So, waiting for invitation and that takes out so many experiences that I could have. Because I could go, I could still do things because I can change my channel. I can change my channel, I can tune into my emotions, how do I feel, I can tune into my thoughts, right? What’s being thought, what is the conditioning here? I could tune into my body, what do I see, what do I hear, what do I taste, what do I smell?

In fact, as a tantra, I got tantra certification as well and as a tantrica, being on channel two is really where it begins. Tantra is really about channel two because it’s about sensory pleasures but it’s not about lust or greed. It’s about presence, it’s about smelling the roses, take the time, stop where you are, smell the roses. Literally, smell the flowers. If there are flowers in front of you, stop what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, tune into channel two, and smell those flowers.

They were there for you, they are you, they were grown for you in that moment, in the now, in the present moment, which is the only thing that is here, the only thing that exists. Look at them, they’re beautiful smell them, they’re amazing. They’re aromatic. But maybe you’re stuck, maybe you’re stuck on channel three, you’re stuck in your head. You don’t even see the flowers, they’re not there to you or maybe you’re stuck on channel four, you’re just in your feeling of depression or in your feeling of anxiety, or maybe you’re stuck on channel five. 

In which case, oh, I got to wait for the flowers to invite me to smell them, right? Because you’re a projector too and it’s like, “Oh, my gosh, like, it’s just wild and so crazy.” So again, as a tantric teacher, I would say that enjoy channel two. Get into channel two, enjoy what’s happening with channel two, enjoy the flavors of the world. There are so many flavors for the tongue to experience, there’s so many sounds for the ear to enjoy, there’s so many scents for the nose to take in and really just become one with, and that’s about tantra in channel two.

[0:08:57.2] So, we’re in channel five and then we flip it one more time because again, what you can see here is where we’re changing frequencies, and as we change frequencies, we’re becoming less and less dense, right? We’re becoming less and less dense and we’re becoming more and more subtle because again, channel two is very dense, it’s the body, channel three is – we could say, channel three, channel four, we can flip them if you want but it doesn’t really matter because whether your thoughts or your feelings, if you talk about density, we talk about layers, we talk about it, it doesn’t really matter. 

But as we move up, we flip it to channel six, and channel six is fascinating because channel six is a – where now, you kind of see other people differently, where you kind of see other people not as other people like you do in channel two, but you kind of see other people as yourself playing a role to support your journey. I want to say that again. We call it the mirror channel. We call it the mirror channel where the illusion of the other disappears and you recognize that the same light that’s within you is within the other person.

And with that light in the other person, you recognize, “Okay, so, you’re in there too. You’re over there and I’m over here but we’re the same, and the only reason we don’t think we’re the same is because we’re engaged with channel two, three, or four, or five. The only reason why we don’t know that we are the same is because you’re over there engaged with channel three, telling yourself a story about who you think you are and then telling me that story about who you think you are.”

“And I’m engaged with channel three and of course, I’m going to listen to your story of who you think you are and just believe it because I want you to believe the story of who I think I am. I’m going to tell you the story of who I think I am and I want you to believe that and that’s what makes us friends. What makes us friends is that neither one of us rock the boat of the story we tell ourselves of who we think we are.”

That’s what most human relationships are built on and I’ll say that again, brothers, most human relationships are built on ego. They’re built on channel three. I will tell you who I think I am and you will tell me who you think you are and we will agree to the illusion of who you think you are and you will agree to the illusion of who I think I am. And if anything changes in there, that’s where things can start to become a little confrontational, if there’s any challenge.

And that’s why I can be very confrontational in this work. That’s why me, as a coach, I say, you can ask any of my students actually, I’m not here to be your friend because if I were here to be your friend, I would be here to just agree with who you think you are, okay? And I do that, a lot. 

[0:11:39.0] I do that with a lot of people, they’re called my friends because my friends don’t come and say “Hey, help me wake up.” They just come to me and they say, “Hey, let’s hang out.” And so yeah, okay, I’ll hang out, I’ll watch you pretend to be who you think you are. I’ll watch that and that’s okay because I love that, I love who you think you are, you’re a great dude, you’re a great person. 

Who you think you are is an amazing person, that’s wonderful but the moment any one of my friends says, “Hey, there’s got to be more, there’s got to be more to this life, like, what else is there? I want to wake up, I want to change the channel.” Well then, I become confrontational. Then I tell them, “Okay, well then stop living through your ego.” Stop living through channel three. Start to feel – we do this, we do this in the academy. 

Start to feel or even, start to think, start to choose your thoughts, cognitive mastery. Cognitive mastery is channel three. Recognize your thoughts, what are you thinking, why are you thinking that way, where do these thoughts come from, do you want to keep this thought? This is your ego, this is not who you are, right? It’s a story and at channel three, feel, feel, feel, feel, feel everything, feel more, hang out in channel four. 

Hang out in channel four and feel a contrast of emotions, feel happiness, feel sadness, be afraid, what’s the big deal? It’s just fear. It’s just an emotion. So what? Feel it. Hang out there, enjoy channel four because you haven’t been there because you need to experience more of it, because you’re so stuck in channel two and three. So, we come to the academy and say, “Okay, feel” And then we go to the next level, right? 

And then I introduce you to human design and your energy and then I introduce you to your mirror and I tell you, I tell you, like you are me and I am you and I can’t tell you that the first day, right? Which is why this podcast is five years in because if I come out on the day one, October 2018 or whatever it was that episode one was, and I said, “Okay brothers, you are me and I am you and that’s what you need to know. Practice that.” You probably would never have listened to another podcast. 

[0:13:33.3] You’d be like, “What? This is ridiculous, what does that mean? It makes no sense. I am you, how can I be you? You’re there, I’m here, you’re in that body, you have that body.   you’re Kevin. What does that mean?” But I can say that to you now, I can say that to you now in the same way that I can say that to my students that have gone through their work, that have done the models of alignment, that have done the work on feeling. 

That have done the work on watching their mind and their meditations and all the things that we do work on in the academy because at some point, and even the astral work, even if you say, “Okay, let’s talk about the more subtle energies that you may not be aware of because you’ve been in channel two, channel three, channel four for so long.” Let’s look at human design, let’s look at astrology because it’s just as much you as your body is you and it’s just as much you as your identity as you and it’s just as much you as your feelings are you.

And none of it is you because you’re just being conscious of it. It’s all you, and I am you and that’s where we get to channel six, where the layer, where the vale gets pulled back and the many become the one because there is one. There is only one and then I can say to you, I can look at you and say, “Thank you because you are me, teaching me who I am” or more accurately who I am not because as I watch your phenomenon, I see that my reaction to it is going to be either who I am not or who I am.

If I react to it in a way that I am not, then I am reacting it through channel three, channel four, I’m reacting through my ego, right? And then we have this weird sort of separation between us. We have this weird kind of barrier that doesn’t allow a full heart to hear to connection because as long as we’re engaging with each other through our egos, there is always going to be this and that, you and me, which can be several different illusions right?

It can be teacher-student. Teacher-student is probably an easy one for you guys to understand because when I’m in channel three I call myself a spiritual teacher, right? So, if I engage with my ego, if I engage with level three, with channel three then yes, I am a teacher, you are a student. That is the ego. I’m in channel three, you’re in channel three.

Your ego says, “I’m a student, I need somebody to teach me.” My channel three says, “I’m a teacher, I need somebody to be a student, somebody to guide.” And so, it’s a very beautiful relationship. You pretend to be the student, I’ll pretend to be the teacher, and we’ll be in channel three together but that’s not what I do because I can’t do that, because if I did that, then I wouldn’t be doing anything because I would just be keeping you here, right?

[0:16:11.5] It would be just this thing that would just, like you are the student. That’s not what I do, I just watch you pretend to be the student and I guide you along until you’re ready to let that story go. Until you’re ready to experience something else, another story, another channel, another level, another part of you. So again, I don’t tell you what to do, I just kind of watch and talk and listen. That’s it.

There’s nothing I can do, that’s another thing, that’s another dichotomy, right? That’s another relationship of suffering. The helper and the helped. And I know that that might blow your mind as well because like, well, isn’t it a benevolent thing to help people? Well, maybe, but what are you doing when you’re helping them? You’re putting them into a story that they need help. You’re keeping them in a channel two or in channel three because the truth is, if somebody’s ready to awaken if they’re ready to flip the channel. 

If they’re ready to move to channel four, channel five, channel six, then they begin to see themselves, helping themselves or guiding themselves or loving themselves, or teaching themselves. There is no other, there is no me helping you, there is you helping you, there is you teaching you, and that’s the inner and the outer, the outer and the inner. I am “Outside of you” in form, in channel two but on channel seven, there is no outer and inner. 

There’s just one, it becomes the void and that’s channel seven, that’s where everything disappears. Everything disappears and it goes back to what is. I can’t even talk about channel seven, right? Well, we can talk about channel six because, in channel six, we can say that, “Okay, here is the relationship of when I’m in my frequency of channel six.” When I’m in my frequency of channel six, I see you as a divine being pretending to be Brad or Bobo or Jim or Joe, and you’ve bumped into Kevin, right? 

My channel three to help wake me up, to help me, to show me how I am not because you are me, just as you are the divine being in there, I am the divine being in here and this comes back to my neurosis in channel three is so against organized religion because organized religion has done everything to keep people asleep. They have done everything they can to prevent people from waking up. 

[0:18:43.8] They’ve done everything they can to make sure that no one thinks they’re a God except for who they say is God but you are, and I am and we are because it’s not you, me, and we. The many become the one, there is only one and that’s frequency six, that’s channel six. You can get there, you can tune into that channel, I have tuned into that channel, brothers. I have seen people and on more than one occasion. We call this the mystical experience, right? 

I have seen people, other human beings who just moments before, I saw them from channel two, channel three, or channel four. I’ll tell you this story actually, and then I’ll close off here because we’ve got through all the channels. Again, I’m not really not going to talk about channel seven too much and this is with my sangha, again, I’d bring tantra back into with my sangha, my tantra family. Just like any family, we had issues. There were little complaints here, little criticisms there, little – because it was mixed. We are a tantra family, so there are men and women in there and there’s a couple in there. 

There is a male-female partnership that they’d come in and you know there’s single women, there’s a woman who is married whose husband is not in the sangha, who’s not practicing tantra. I was in there with a couple of my friends as well, a couple of my buddies, and yeah. So we have this mixture and so of course, with all these different people who are tuning into frequencies two, three, four, right? 

You’re going to – and even five, you’re going to have because people say, “Oh, you know Tauruses they get along with Virgos but they don’t get along with Aries. So, we got to like   watch this energy” and blah-blah-blah. Like again, even channel five but in the sangha what happened was we’re removing energy. Now, this mystical experience, I’ve had this mystical experience many, many times with plant medicine, okay? 

So, I’ve had this experience on my Ayahuasca journey, on a [inaudible 0:20:30.9] on buffo journeys, I’ve had this experience even on LSD journeys or got but I’ve mentioned this time to you brothers because this was without medicine. This had – it was no foreign object put into my body whether drink or smoke. There was nothing coming into my body. I was “sober” if you consider medicine drugs, which some people do. 

[0:20:49.8] There are no drugs in my body, there was no medicine in my body. We’re just doing energy movement. It was just energy, you know like Reiki essentially. I was working with this woman who was – I was lying on my back and she was moving energy. She wasn’t touching me, you understand? She was just moving energy, it was like my channel flicked. I can’t explain what happened. 

Because again, the moment before we had done this practice, I was in channel three. I had all these thoughts, all these judgments about people in my sangha. “Oh, this couple, they don’t want to work with anybody but each other.” Which is not really tantra because you want to experience because it is not about who it’s about when, right? It’s not about who you’re working with, it’s about when. 

It’s about now, it’s about presence, and I had thoughts about another person in my sangha, who seem to always come in in channel four. She’s always attached to channel four, she was in victim mentality. She is always in this self-pity mentality and I was in my channel three and I was judging her and I was judging them and I had all this judgment about everybody. It’s like, “Why are you people here?” 

You don’t want to work with anybody but yourself, you might as well take an online course and get out. This other woman is like, “Why are you here? You’re just bringing us all down with your depressive state and your victim mentality” and I was in this judgment. I was in channel three and then we started this practice. We started this practice, I was lying on my back and I had – a member of my sangha moved this energy. 

And all of a sudden, it was like the channels just flipped, right? Four, five, six, and I shot up, I stood up, and I started just crying, just bawling my eyes out because the energy was so intense, the energy of gratitude, the energy of thank you. It was so, so intense, I shot up and I saw in every single person of my sangha, in every person, the person who was doing the work on me, the person who was complaining, the person who’s always in victim mentality. 

The two people that were in a partnership, who I had all these thoughts about and just judgments on, I looked at them all and I could see, I could see every single one of them as an angel, as a divine being here, come here in that moment, in that present moment, that now moment to help me be better, to help me awaken, to help this asleep, this unconscious being remember who he is, and I as I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. 

[0:23:13.4] I just couldn’t, I’m just sobbing. I was sobbing my eyes out. I was apologizing to this couple and they didn’t even know of my judgment. They had no idea how I was judging, maybe they could feel it, right? They could probably sense it energetically but I was apologizing for things that they didn’t even know I had done, right? I was apologizing for my thoughts, you know? 

I hadn’t said anything to them but I was apologizing for my thoughts, I was apologizing, and I was saying thank you. You guys, it was a mystical experience. It was an experience that I cannot explain or articulate but I can tell you that that’s channel six. When everything disappears, when everything around you is no longer not you and everything is you and you realize, “Oh my gosh, it has been always.” 

It has always been, it is now, and will always be because that’s the mystery of time. It is always me, everyone is me. Everyone is me and I am everyone. The tree is me, the squirrel is me, the bird is me, all the humans, you are me. And I know, again, if you haven’t had the mystic experience that may make no sense to you, no sense at all. But once you have it, you’ll understand that that’s just another frequency. 

It is just another frequency that pulls you further away from the illusion of separation, which is also the gift, okay? I want to be careful here brothers, it’s also the gift. Everything is in perfection, perfection doesn’t mean good, perfection doesn’t mean right. Right and wrong, good and bad, they’re both in perfection. They’re both a part of what is perfect because they’re judgments in duality.

They’re a part of two and three, channels two and three. But when you get up to channel six and seven, you see the perfection of it all. It’s all there, it’s all perfect and it’s all you. You are making the sky blue. You are making the sun shine. You are making the birds sing. You are making the trees grow. You are making your heart beat and you are making your lips talk. You are doing all of it, you’re just aware of channel two and channel three and that’s channel seven, brothers. 

[0:25:36.6] That’s channel seven because in channel seven, that’s the I. The I is the one, there is only one, there’s just the one. Just one because even channel six, even channel six there’s still separation because I was still seeing the forms. I could still see the people, I could still see the things, even the things. It wasn’t just the people. It was everything from a house or a car, everything in my past that had brought me to that point. 

Every single moment and this was again, it was a profound and powerful mystical experience but again unlike 85%, I’m more on that 15%. I didn’t want to be stuck. I didn’t want to be stuck on two, I didn’t want to go back to two or to three. In fact, if anything, I continue to chase. It became more of a desire for channel six and that’s also some kind of a – it turns around back to channel three actually because once you have desire, once you have this wanting for something, then you’re back in the, “Why do you want it?” 

Why do I want to re-experience that again? Well, because there must be something going on with my thoughts, there’s something going on in the “This must be better, this must be stronger.” Now, I’m going to say this to end and this is a two-part episode, so we’re going to end this here. After two weeks I’m going to say that channel seven and there may be many channels, there may be a hundred channels. 

I’ve only given you seven but whatever that last channel is where it becomes the void where everything disappears, where everything is one, that’s the real you. That’s the totality, that’s the divinity, that’s what I mean when I say, “You are everything.” You are everything, you are experiencing everything, you are doing everything. You just don’t know that you experience everything and doing everything because you’ve been trained. 

You’ve been conditioned to limit your experience into a certain frequency, into a certain channel, into a certain frequency range. You’ve been taught to limit your experience to your body, channel two or to your mind, your ego, channel three, your identity or to your feelings, channel four, or to your astral energy, channel five or whatever it is and even channel six, even channel six, this mystical experience that everything that the many become one. 

Even that is still not the truth. It’s still not the I, it’s still being here in this realm of separation but knowing that the separation is the illusion. So the real I, the real self, the real soul, the real atman, whatever you want to call it, the real as the Christ says, the kingdom of heaven is within you. If you want to call it the kingdom of heaven, the real you, the real you is the last channel. 

[0:28:26.5] It’s the void, it’s the everything, it’s the one, it’s the source because everything else is temporary. Yes, the body is you. Yes, it’s you. Yes, you have incarnated here specifically in that body for it specifically to go through whatever journey you are going through. Yes, it’s you, it’s yours, it’s there but it’s alone. It’s temporary, your body will die, and your mind, your identity, channel three. 

Yes, it’s you. Yes, it’s all your conditioning. Yes, it’s your reactions to how you’re treated as a kid and how you learn to be who you are today. Your responses in your reactions to the environment as you respond and react to the environment. You respond and it responds to you and it’s been conditioned, you’ve conditioned this identity and yes, it’s you enjoying. You can do whatever you want with it, that’s cognitive mastery brothers, that’s the model of alignment.

You can do whatever you want with it, that’s cognitive mastery brothers, that’s the model of alignment. You can create anything you want in channel three. That’s why we do the intentional amount of alignment. You don’t like this idea that you’re not attractive or living in poverty, then just change it. Intentional model, I’m incredibly good looking and money, money flows to me easily, right? 

We’ve done all of that, we’ve done that, been doing that for years because that is you, you can play with that but it’s not you. It’s temporary, it’s on loan, your mind is on loan, you are renting it, you know? Your divinity, your soul, your true nature, the eternal and ever-lasting self is borrowing this mind, which it’s using to have a channel three, have a human experience. So, it’s not you, and I don’t want to take it away and say it’s not you because then you get into this duality of, “Oh, it’s not me, then what is me?”

But it is you because it’s yours to play with. Just like you rent a car, you rent a house, you rent a car. That car is yours, you’re renting it, it’s – you have the responsibility for that car. You’re renting it, it’s on loan to you and as long as you have that car, as long as you are renting it, you are responsible for it and it is yours and you’re going to return it, you’re going to take it back to the car rental agency and then it won’t be anymore.

[0:30:37.2] And that’s why channel three is going to go, channel two is going to go, channel four is going to go, channel five is going to go, and you know what? Channel six is going to go too and the only thing that will remain is eternal. The eternal divine self, and I don’t know what you want to call it. You want to call it “self”, and Buddhists call it “self,” the Christians call it soul, the Hindus call it Atman.

We can call it the “I”. We can call it the capital I. We can call it the source, we can call it whatever you want but it’s you, it’s who you are, it’s you doing this, it’s you blowing the sky. It’s you shining the sun, it’s you growing the tree, it’s you flying the birds, it’s you swimming the fish, it’s your beating your heart. You’re doing all of it but you don’t know you’re doing all of it because you’re stuck on channel two, thinking that you’re just moving your body or you’re stuck on channel three thinking you’re just thinking. 

You’re just controlling your thoughts, or you’re stuck on channel four just thinking, “Oh, I got to watch these emotions and play with these emotions.” It’s all you, it’s just this limited, this limited by our conditioning, we’re limited by our channel, whatever channel, whatever frequency, whatever vibration we choose to kind of dial into that’s the limitation and being able to move between channels opens you up to a deeper truth. 

But moving between channels is not about attaching to any one channel, I don’t move between channels and say I’m attached to this, I don’t move to channel to unconsciously and my desires and say I’m attached to this, any more than I move to channel two, in my tantra practice, and say, I’m attached to this because there’s the shadow side of channel two and there’s the light side of channel two, right? 

Because there’s more duality, there’s duality in duality. There’s going to be duality in duality in duality because that’s what it is. It’s the Fibonacci sequence, it’s organized chaos or chaotic organization but it’s all there, it’s all perfect. Good and bad, right and wrong, it’s all a part of perfection. So, who am I? The answer of the question, who am I, you are everything, what does it mean to you? 

You’re everything. You can say you’re everything, we can say you’re source, you can say you’re God, you can say you’re divine. Yeah, as people say they’re God and they become very frightened by that. Last time somebody said that he got crucified, but people say that because they have mystical experiences and they wake into this truth, they awaken to this truth. It wasn’t just one man, it was one man that said it and was recorded and was deified and so on. 

[0:33:11.8] But it has been hundreds of men and women who have had these mystical experiences of knowing that they are divine source, that they are divine oneness. Ramana Maharshi is another one, my teacher’s guru. There was another one who experienced his own divinity when he was 17 years old. So many stories, so many miracles. I can tell you miracles is about the – that this man has performed and there’s no different than the Christ, no different than the Buddha and he lived recently, he died recently. 

 He left his body recently. Not 2000 years ago – or maybe that’s a little bit of my channel three, you know? Because now, I’m saying that it’s silly to believe that just one man is the son of God. We are all gods, we are all the God, we are all the source. Every one of us, but we’re stuck in our channels and to know the truth, to be in that highest channel, to be in that highest frequency where you are sitting, Christ is sitting in your chest. 

The Buddha is sitting in your chest and while they sit there and shine their light, you just enjoy your body in channel two. You just enjoy your mind, your identity, your thoughts, who other people think you are. You just enjoy it because it’s just there, it’s just on loan. You enjoy the vibration of emotion, the contrast of emotion, the ups and downs of emotion, you just enjoy it because it’s just there. 

You see, it’s a part of it but it’s on loan, it’s on temporary. Enjoy, enjoy that you were born at this time and this place and this date because that’s your astral energy and enjoy that I enjoy that I’m a projector, so what? I mean, I’m the projector, I can enjoy that story. I can enjoy guiding instead of working, I can enjoy waiting instead of approaching. Like, it’s okay, it’s not me. It’s just a story but it is me too, just like my body’s not me, but it is me. 

It’s like everything is me, I am everything, you are me, I am you. And brothers, now, I could go on forever about this and we’ve already broken this in to two parts, I don’t want to break it into three parts, but I’m going to tell you right now that the only thing that’s preventing you from recognizing who you are is the inability to change your consciousness, to shift your consciousness from channel to channel. 

[0:35:29.6] And depending on where your consciousness is, it’s going to be a lot of what you’ve – where you are in your journey. Last thing here, I’ve said this before, where are you are in your journey is, not just one lifetime, in many. Many, many, many lifetimes. If the beginning of time was 12:00 noon and the end of time is 11:59 – which is also silly to think about as it’s a thing where time is always now – there is no movement 

But if we look at it as a clock and we say, the beginning when time began was 12 PM and when time end is 11:59, right? That the beginning of the alphas and the omega is 12 hours, then we’re going to have some people that are 2:30 and some people that are 4:30 and some people at 5:30 and 6:30 and some people at 9:00 and some people at 10:00, and because of where they are and how many lifetimes, how many times they’ve done this.

How much karma they’ve shed, how much subtlety they’re able to engage with, how they’re able to let go of the density of these channels, of these experiences, and don’t beat yourself up if you’re not there. If you’re listening to the podcast, I’m certain you’re there, I’m certain you’re at least opening up to channel three and four because cognitive mastery and emotional ownership is channel three and four. 

It’s recognizing you are not your thoughts. You are working with your thoughts, your thoughts are creating and shaping your reality, you are not your emotions. You are not your emotions. You are experiencing your emotions, you’re experiencing the contrast of emotions. Being able to move and recognize and separate and see and let go and let go of this idea of who you think you are, because that is the idea that is creating separation and suffering. And that’s what I have for you today. 

Until next week, brothers. Elevate your alpha.


[0:37:17.0] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to this episode of the Alpha Male Coach Podcast. If you enjoyed what you’ve heard and want even more, sign up for Unleash your Alpha: Your Guide to Shifting to the Alpha Mindset, at the alphamalecoach.com/unleash.



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