Ep #263: Abundance Is Change

First, I’ve got a quick update to share. Our upcoming retreat is officially closed, and it’s amazing to see the next one filling up fast too. I truly appreciate the overwhelming response. Now, let’s get to the heart of today’s discussion: abundance.

In today’s episode, I am diving deep into a topic that’s been heavily misunderstood, especially in the Western world: abundance. This word has been misinterpreted in many ways, particularly in the West. When you look it up, you often find definitions like “a copious quantity of something” or “having a plentifulness of the good things in life.”

But what if I told you that abundance isn’t about hoarding or accumulating more of the good stuff? It’s about change. It’s about flowing with life’s constant fluctuations, just like your breath. You can’t hoard air; you breathe it in and release it. Abundance is that constant state of change, whether it’s in your thoughts, emotions, actions, or even your physical health.

In this episode, I explore the true essence of abundance and why understanding it from a flow perspective can profoundly impact your life. I’ll discuss how it applies to money, relationships, and health, and why trying to control or fix these aspects can lead to suffering. So, join me as we unravel the mysteries of abundance and learn how to live in harmony with the ever-changing dance of life. It’s a journey worth taking, my brothers!


What Youll Learn from This Episode:

  • Abundance and how it has been commonly misunderstood.
  • The true definition and nature of abundance.
  • How the concept of abundance applies to different areas of life.
  • Practical strategies and mindsets for living in harmony with change.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • Enroll for the Elevated Alpha Society Spartan Academy here.
  • Sign up for Unleash Your Alpha, your guide to shifting to the Alpha mindset.


[0:00:09.6] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast, the only podcast that teaches men the cognitive mastery and alpha mindset that it takes to become an influential and irresistible man of confidence. Here’s your host, certified life coach, and international man of mystery, Kevin Aillaud.


[0:00:32.6] KA: What’s up, my brothers? Welcome back to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast. I am your host, Kevin Aillaud, and I want to begin with two very, very quick announcements. Number one is the retreat. The retreat is closed. So, you can still go to the website because the next retreat is actually filling up. Fascinatingly enough, there were many, many of our brothers that said, “You know what? I can’t do this one but I can do the next one.”

So even while this retreat was filling, the next retreat was as well. So now that this retreat is closed, the next retreat is also very, very full. Now, that’s going to happen next year so we’re looking into the future with that one and if you guys are interested in that, of course, I’ll talk to you guys about that but I just want you to know that this retreat in October is closed, brothers. It is off, it is closed.

So that, you won’t hear me announce that anymore but the other thing I want to announce is I realize that these podcast episodes are getting a bit long and that’s because, again, as you guys know, I’ve always channeled. I’ve hit record and started talking and that’s really how this podcast come about and lately, the channeling, lately the messages have – they’ve been a bit more conceptual. They’ve been a bit more in-depth so I have been using a lot more space to discuss these concepts.

And what I mean by that is it’s not the words I’m using. Because of the context, because of what is being discussed, because it’s very esoteric, it’s very spiritual, it’s very, you know, conceptually irrational, right? It’s not the logic that we’re used to using with the mind that says, “This is how things are.” It’s not Newtonian, right? It’s the new way, it’s the quantum way.

It’s the quantum stuff and the quantum stuff is blending with the mystical and that makes it even more mysterious and so the brain, the mind is picking up the message in the gaps, the brain is picking up the message in the spaces in the pauses. So, these messages are becoming a little bit longer in length and I want to reduce that, I want to bring that down.

So, what I’m going for here brothers is that, ideally, these podcasts will get a little shorter but the messages will still remain conceptual, which means that once again, I’m going to offer the academy to you guys. I want to offer the academy because as you continue this journey and this journey really is the journey of the spirit, the journey inward. It’s the journey of the envisionable.

[0:03:00.4] The journey of energy, whatever you want to call it, and we can’t call it the same thing. We definitely can’t call it the same thing because as soon as we start calling it the same thing, now we’re talking about religion, right? Now we’ve created a religion or a cult because now we use the terminology that we all kind of say, “This is our term, this is what we call it, we are exclusive in our words, and our terms.”

“We have the right way of talking about this” and that’s what religion does, that’s what cults do and that’s why I don’t care what you call it. Whatever it is you want to call it in your life, the ideas that you connect with it, that you connect to it in this journey because there are many, many humans not connected to it because they’re on a different journey. They’re on their path and they’re not listening to this podcast.

But you are and because you are, there’s a very specific type of experience that you’re having and I’m here to facilitate that experience in the best way I can, which is through the karma of service that I’m offering the world, which is teaching, right? Which is speaking, teaching, guiding, coaching, and so on.

So, that’s really what it’s about here brothers, I’m here to kind of offer you these things, and I want to offer you these conceptual things but I do want to keep these podcasts to 20 minutes. So, to get more of this, it’s about enrolling in the academy and really taking that plunge, right? Taking that leap, taking that dive, taking that step, taking that challenge, if you will. It’s a challenge to your ego is essentially what it is.

A challenge to your ego to say, “I’m going to challenge you to face yourself and see if you want to stick around once you see what it is we’re looking at.” Not that it’s a bad thing, not that it’s a bad thing but that’s the spiritual path, is to really take a good look and ask the question seriously in a contemplative manner, while at the same time, playfully, while at the same time joyfully and childlike ask yourself the question, “Who am I? Who am I?”

That’s the spiritual path and that’s why the ego is challenged and that’s why the academy was built but today, we’re going to talk about abundance. Today, we’re going to talk about abundance brothers, because abundance is so misunderstood these days and it’s so misunderstood, especially, I believe in the West, and when I say the West, I mean, the First World, right?

[0:05:22.2] I’m gone and talking about and not even, I shouldn’t even say that. I shouldn’t say that because that kind of implies the United States and Europe, right? This first world. So, I don’t even want to say that. In fact, I want to take back that whole – I’m going to strike that whole save it from the record. I just want to make the statement that abundance is – it’s very misunderstood.

In fact, even when I look it up, even when you look up the definition of the word abundance, right? Google and define abundance, I come up with the definition, “A very large quantity of something” okay? And then it gives you these examples of the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something. Having a copious quantity of something.

A very large quantity of something. That word “something” is so important. I want you guys to pay attention to that because that’s the misplaced word, that’s the problem with the current way, we look at the word abundance and I guess that’s why I use the words in the West because really, it’s a problem of language.

Really it’s a problem of language and coming back to the analogy, coming back to the way of comparing it to quantum physics, you know we in “The West” using these sort of Latin languages, Germanic Latin languages, they’re very heavily nouned, they sway to the noun side. There’s a lot of nouns in our language and the nouns are the particles, the nouns are the people, places, and things, right?

They’re the events, they’re the freezes, that the moments in time that we kind of block out, that we create terms around, a beginning and an end, a start, and a finish, and of course, we do this with events but look at this, we do this with places too. We draw borders and we say “That’s America”, right? “That’s Mexico.” We draw a border and say, “That’s Argentina” or “That’s Germany.”

So you know, these are limits, these are terms, things. We do this with boundaries, people, we do this with boundaries, of course, we do this with both the boundary that we call the skin, the body, that’s the person but we also do this with the boundary of the personality, right? The name and so on and so because our English language is so heavily noun-oriented, of course, we look at the idea of abundance.

This term and we have to add the something, a very large quantity of something, a state or condition of having a copious quantity of something. Now, in the East, and again, I say, in the East, I want to make this clear as you guys, brothers, what we’re talking about is language. I’m not talking about geography. I’m talking about language.

[0:07:49.9] Even in French, if we talk about the etymology of abundance, if it comes from French, the middle English, the old French, “abando” to overflow. To overflow, that’s the etymology of the word and that’s not an Eastern language, French is from Latin. The etymology actually comes from Latin, to abound “Abundare” overflowing is the Latin but look at that word, “Abundare” the Latin.

“Abundantia” overflow versus the English, abundance, having a copious quantity of something. Now, you can kind of see the similarity, right? Like, of course, you can say, “Well, come on Kevin, like, having a copious quantity of something is very similar to having an overflowing amount of it” right? Like, who can see how there’s a similarity in the overflow versus the copious amount of quantity of something?

Of course, it’s from Latin but what about Sanskrit, what if we go further east? What if we go even more deeper into the Eastern languages? Now we have the Sanskrit. Sanskrit is completely different, it’s actually created out of two words. Abundance comes from two words, “Bahu” meaning much or many, and “Emang” meaning, a sense of an abstract noun, which is the movement, which gives it the verb, it kind of makes it the verb.

So we have the much or many in movements, as a verb because the “Bruhan” the word itself, means abundance. So in English, we want to think, “Well, this is a noun.” We want to translate this Sanskrit word, this noun into abundance, and if it’s noun but the way it’s created, the way it’s constructed, because Sanskrit of course is – it’s not made up of letters, right?

It’s made more of like meanings, made more of like, symbols, and these symbols have meanings in and of themselves. It’s a completely different language, a language that if you’ve never seen it or understood, it’s more of like, it looks like Japanese or Chinese, you know, with the kanji. The sounds have complete meanings in and of themselves, you don’t have to put them together to make words.

[0:09:52.8] And when you do this, you have this sound that means, much or many in movement. As a verb and again, it’s that overflowing. It’s kind of like that overflowing, it’s a flow. It’s to have over amounts, much or many, in a flow state. See, the Sanskrit word for abundance is much closer to the old French word, than the English word is to the old French word because the English word again, adds something.

Again, there’s no flow in there, understand that. You understand brothers, there’s no flow in the definition when we define it in English. It is a state or condition of having a copious quantity of something. It’s in the state of rest, it’s in the state of stop. “I have 10 apples, I have a copious quantity of apples, I have 10 of them. I have an abundant amount of apples.”

That’s the English way of looking at things. That’s the English way, that’s the way we’ve been trained as English speakers in the West, you understand this is what I mean what I say in the West, us English speakers, it’s the way we’ve been conditioned partially through our language, our education and so on but partly through our language, is to understand abundance is a moment in time of havingness.

“What do I have now? And if I have enough now, I’m abundant and if I don’t have enough now, I’m in scarcity” but that’s not where abundance came from. Abundance came from a flow state. It came from a state of flow, it came from a state of movement. It came from a state, at least from the old French of “overness”, right? “Overness”, an overflow, there’s an overness of movement and from the Sanskrit, it’s the much or manyness, right?

The much or manyness of movement and to me, brothers, again, just to me, as a philosopher, somebody who is exchanging ideas, sharing ideas, sharing a perspective, sharing a concept that may resonate, that may agitate, maybe instigate, I would make an argument that the actual word abundance, the actual word “abundance” from which it came out of our inspired source before it was changed into English.

Before it was redefined from this Newtonian perspective of particleness, right? From the billiard ball perspective of the world, that the actual word “abundance” means change. It means change. That’s what it means to have an overflow, to have an overness of flowness. I mean, think about that, an overness of flowness. It’s like the kaleidoscope. The kaleidoscope is an overness of flowness.

You turn that thing as you look through it and it’s a constant and over, right? Amounts of change, an over amount of flow, an over amount of movement, a verb. The Sanskrit have a very similar thing, it’s a much or manyness of movement. It’s the same type of thing. Imagine that kaleidoscope again, that abundance is a much or manyness of movement, it’s change. Abundance is change.

[0:13:22.2] Now, in the spiritual sense, whatever that means, right? In a spiritual sense, we talk about different realms and what does it mean to change in different realms. Well, of course, it means there’s lots of different things that we mean to change in different realms because change in the mental realm is the flow of thought, right? We have a change of thought, we have thoughts flowing through us all the time so we have an abundance of thoughts. Our thoughts are always in the state of change.

In the astral realm, we have the emotion, right? We have the vibration of feelings and then we have this physical realm here that’s changed. The particles, the atoms change, right? They move in and out of position, they move in and out of existence. They move in and out of position as they move or, to use the Newtonian phrase, “As a force is acted upon them” and of course then, they cease to exist as well.

You know, things change as they cease to exist, and again, to use a Newtonian phrase, they move into entropy. So things are always in a state of change in the third dimension and this is where we get our attachment from, right? It’s where the Buddha talks about attachment, because if abundance is change, then scarcity then, lack, is control, right? It’s the fixed state, right? The fixed, F-I-X-E-D, the fixed state.

We want to control that state, we want to control it, we want to make it fixed. You know, we do this in all different ways, brothers. We do this from some ways where we say we want to control the state by changing it in the way we wanted to change, right? Which is where we say, “I don’t like this, I want something different, I want it to be other than what it is.”

So we control to fix ourselves into something other than what is and that creates scarcity because abundance is change. Abundance is being with the change, in the moment, flowing with it, it’s the overflow. It’s the manyness, the overness of being in flow. So, when we get into that state of fixedness, of, “I want this, I want this state” then we suffer.

[0:15:36.7] We suffer because we’re not in the flow, we’re wanting something other than what we’re experiencing and that’s what we’re in the down curve, right? Think about that, that’s the trough where people say, “I don’t like this. I don’t like this, I don’t want this, I want something else” and I may circle back to that if there’s time in this podcast but the other side of it is just the same both Buddha and Christ.

I mean, it doesn’t matter what religion you believe in because all religion, all teachers have said the same thing. They say, don’t get attached to suffering but suffering is joy because if you get attached to joy, then you’ll suffer in a lack of joy. Now, of course, this depends on how you determine what is joy and we can be clever with our words and say, “Oh, well, joy is the constant state of being in serenity or being in the flow state.”

Well, that’s fine, so, we can talk about sadness and happiness, right? If you’re attached to – if you’re attached to your happiness, right? Then you’re going to suffer when that’s gone. That’s another part of that control. “I want to fix this state, I like this” that’s saying, I like this. That’s the state of saying, “I like this state, I don’t want this state to change” and again, that comes from lack, that comes from scarcity because you’re trying to control, you’re trying to pause.

[0:16:57.0] Now brothers, again, I have talked about this is in many, many ways. We’ve talked about this in terms of emotions, what do we do with these emotions, right? We feel these emotions, we process these emotions, we allow these emotions, what do we do when we’re not processing the emotions, right? We’re resisting, we’re avoiding, we’re reacting and I have talked about that for years on emotions.

Even in the academy, we talk about that, emotional contrast, how to go deeper into feeling all the emotions because that’s abundance. Abundance is change, abundance is everything. Abundance isn’t more good stuff, more of the good stuff, right? That’s not abundance. Of course, that’s what the English version of abundance is because again, if you Googled and define abundance, one of the definitions it will say, “The state or condition of having a copious quantity of something” right? Because there’s the greed, right?

There is the having, I need to have more to “be safe” right? There’s the illusion of the mind, there’s the illusion of what is the third dimension. “I’m unsafe so I need to have more to protect myself against that lack of safety, that future.” That’s where this illusion comes from, it comes from the English way of looking at the world and things, separation, fear, and scarcity.

Another way of defining abundance through the English language is and it says this right here, right underneath what I just said, “The state or condition of having a copious quantity of something.” It says right here, “A plentifulness of the good things in life.” It says it’s synonymous with prosperity. So now, abundance just means the good stuff. So now, not only is it having a copious quantity of something, it’s having a copious quantity of the good stuff.

Well brothers, as I’ve said to you for years, how do you know what the good stuff is? How do you know? How can you know anything? How do we know anything? How do we understand anything here in the third dimension, here in the land, the realm of separation? Well, we understand it compared to its opposite. That’s how we understand in the third dimension. That’s why we’ve come to the third dimension.

[0:19:06.3] You can consider the third dimension many things. I have told you many times and I love telling you guys that the third dimension is a playground. It’s a playground, that’s number one, right? Like have fun, our souls are here to have fun. We are not here to toil and to suffer and to have a lot of struggle. We can and many of us do because we’re lost, right? We’re lost in the illusion, we’re lost in the mind, with the dream.

As you awaken, as you become who you are and that is what it says, become who you are because you’re already it, as you be more of who you are and you awaken and you recognize your awakened state, a part of that is going through these ups and down. We have to understand the duality, so abundance has changed. Abundance includes a plentifulness of the bad things in life too.

That’s what I’m saying, that’s why this English definition has thrown so many humans off the path, off the spiritual path, and onto the material path. That’s okay. You know again, there’s nothing wrong with the material path. It is going to build up a lot of karma and you are going to come back a lot more times but that’s okay because it’s not you anyway. It’s a soul, it’s a flame, so it’s a flame in the fire.

You know, it is a part of the great oneness. You and I are the same, are a part of the great oneness. So go ahead, you know, go ahead, live the egoic life, build up a bunch of karma for your next life. Your next life will suffer even more and I am not saying that to guilt you out of it because you won’t know. I am not trying to guilt you into like, “Oh, well, my next life is going to suffer so I’d better be good here.”

You don’t know, just like you don’t remember your past life. It doesn’t matter, so go ahead, there is nothing wrong with it, brother. I am not trying to guilt you, I’m certainly not judging you. When you go down that material thing and you start to define abundance as this state or condition of having a copious quantity of the good things in life and now all of a sudden, well, the subjectivity of what is good comes into play.

[0:21:02.1] I have a copious quantity of what? Of money? A lot of people think it has to do with money. I have a copious quantity of money because it’s a good thing to life. Well, what else is good? Who says money is good? A lot of people think money is bad. Well, sex? I have a copious quantity of sex. Okay, well, is that good? Is that a good thing because of the subjectivity of good?

What about friends? What about, again, fortune and fame? What about pleasure? What if I have a copious quantity of pleasure? That’s a good thing in life, right? So I’m abundant in pleasure, is that a good thing? You guys know you can over-pleasure. You know you can over-pleasure on things. When we look at this, we really talk about what does it mean to be abundant. What we’re really talking about is abundance, at least according to some of the older languages.

Some of the languages that have more of a waveway of looking at the universe, so waveway of looking at the third dimension. A way of looking at the third dimension or “the reality” that we experience together as a species in a way that’s more closely related to movement, as a state of flow than it is in a position or in a state of rest, as a Newtonian billiard ball bouncing around, objects colliding into each other.

You know, that is the Western way of looking at it and that’s the Western way of defining abundance, as a copious quantity of something but to look at it from a wave perspective, from an Eastern perspective, from the wave saying, “Okay, so abundance is change.” To live with abundance is to live with and through a constant state of change and that’s a constant state of my mental change, my emotional change, and my physical change because my mind will change.

My thoughts will change, my personality will change my opinions will change and it’s okay that they change because they’re not really who you are anyway. Growth requires change, if you’re not changing, you’re not growing, right? You’re stuck, you are in that stuck state of energy, you’re not flowing anymore.

[0:23:06.0] People say, “Oh, well, you know you changed too much, you know? You’re inconsistent, you lack integrity because you say one thing today and then three weeks later, you say something else.” That’s not lacking integrity unless you are lacking integrity. Lacking integrity is something completely different, integrity requires intent, right? I can choose to change through growth.

I can choose to change through choice, through nothing other than choice. You know, it’s probably happened to you, right? Maybe one day you’re a vegetarian, another day you’re eating meat or vice-versa, right? So you are eating meat and then you go to a buddy’s barbecue and they say, “Oh, you know I have stopped eating meat.” You say, “Oh, you lack integrity” right? “You said you eat meat?” “Oh, shoot. I just changed.”

I change, I have the right to change. I’m not stuck. It is the same way emotionally. Emotionally is the same that’s why we work on that emotional contrast to flow with the change. This is what I say when I said I was going to bring it up again. I am going to actually stop here because of time and again, I tend to do this and I just said at the beginning of this podcast, I didn’t want to do this but here we are now close to 30.

Brothers, please do not use the model of alignment as a way to buffer your emotions. The model of alignment, the universal truth is not a tool for you to change the way you feel. It’s a tool for you to feel the way you feel. The whole first step of this journey and you’ll find this when you enroll in the academy, the whole first step of this journey is all about awareness, being aware of what you’re thinking, being aware of what you’re feeling.

If you try to jump to change too quickly, right? Jump to that change or jump to that control, then really, you’re just still in that lack. You are still in that scarcity, you’re still in that denial, you’re still in that resistance. Before you can guide — who said, who is the one that said it? Was it Yoda or was it Obi-Wan Kenobi? I can’t remember who it was but they were talking. Luke was rushing off to the cloud system.

You know, [inaudible 0:25:13.1] he had a vision and he said, “I’ve learned so much about the force” and I think it was Obi-Wan who said, “You’ve learned about the force but you cannot control it.” You’ve learned to feel it but you can’t control it and that’s kind of the thing. Trying to jump to controlling it is simply a matter of lack and fear. We have to feel brothers, it begins with feeling and that’s what abundance is.

Abundance is the overflow of feeling, it’s the overflow of emotion, and thought, and movement, of T, F, and A, thoughts, feelings, actions. That is the human experience. It is the many movements in Sanskrit, the Brahmā, the many much or many in verb, in movement. The much or many energy of mind, the much or many energy of feeling. The much or many energy of physical matter, and it is always changing.

[0:26:12.4]: If you try to stop its change, then it gets stuck and now, we’re talking about a whole other concept, the chakras and stuck energy, you know? And how that’s related to our biology. We start having chemical addictions to emotions because the cells wanting their drugs. You know it’s all related, the energy and the biology but what’s most important is to recognize that abundance is not about hoarding.

It is not about having, it’s not about copious quantities of things or goodness. Abundance is change, abundance is flow, abundance is in your breath. If you ever question, “What is abundance?” bring your thoughts, bring your consciousness back to your breath. If you overflow your lungs, they’ll blow up. They’ll pop, you can’t even do it. You can’t have too much air, the moment you try to have too much air your body sends it out.

It repels it, it gets rid of it and that’s the third dimension. That’s change and the moment you’re out of there, the body pulls it in. It just gets it right from the space, right from right there. It’s everywhere. I mean, what can I say? It’s the Prana, it’s the life force, and it is the same with everything, you see? It’s the same with everything in the third dimension. What do we look at here in the academy, right?

Health, wealth, and relationships, that’s the third dimension. Well, abundance and wealth are not about having, it’s not about hoarding. It’s a flow and wealth and money are not the same thing and wealth and riches are not the same thing. You can have lots and lots of riches and then be abundant in money. You can have copious amounts of riches, copious amounts of wealth, and be abundant in money.

Why? Because your riches and your wealth are not dependent on how your money changes, how your money cycles, how your money flows. You can be abundant in relationships, you can have copious amounts of love and affection and generosity and gratitude and you can be abundant in your relationships. In other words, they can change. They can change.

[0:29:01.0] Every one of the people in your life, everyone who gets in front of you is the God, is the guru, is the teacher, is the source standing in front of you in disguise teaching you something. So to be abundant in our relationships is to say yes to our relationships. We don’t say no, we don’t reject somebody for this or for that but that’s what we do, don’t we? When we think, “Oh, I have a plentifulness of the good things in life.” And what about health?

What about our health, brothers? Is it change? Change is abundance, to go with time, to go with life because if you try to stop, if you try to control, if you try to hang on, if you try to fix a position then you suffer and you can watch it. I think this is obvious, I think this is obvious once you have the skill of recognizing that the suffering is self-imposed, and then the next question obviously becomes, “How do I stop it?”

If it doesn’t become, “How do I stop it?” then you just continue to suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer until you ask, “How do I stop it?” That’s why people stay in a state of continuous suffering because they are in lack because they are trying to control instead of going with the flow of life, going with the flow of money, going with the flow of relationships, going with the flow of health, and every single one of those I can do a podcast on individually.

What is the flow of money, what does that look like? What is the flow of relationships, what does that mean for contractual marriages? What does it mean for a contractual relationship to go with the flow and what about my health? What does it mean to go with the flow? Or maybe I get sick, maybe I get a disease, maybe I get hurt, what does it mean? I could do a podcast on every one of these but contemplate this on your own, brothers.

Think about what does it mean to go with the flow and of course, enroll in the academy. That’s going to be my offer to you as always, because that’s the most effective way for me to reach you, gentlemen. On the podcast, I’ve got 20 to now 40 minutes once a week. In the podcast, we can talk about these things. We can go into these things, we can get into what it – like how. How to be abundant.

How to be abundant is not a matter of collecting more things or changing how you feel, right? Because it is not a matter of having copious quantities of something or having a plentifulness of good things in life. It’s not about feeling better or good more often or it’s not about having more stuff, right? But what is it about? Well, the good news, the gospel is that it’s right here.

It’s right here, abundance is here. Abundance is reality, scarcity is illusion, because abundance is change and scarcity tries to get into a fixed state and that’s what I have for you guys today. Until next week, elevate your alpha.


[0:32:26.5] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to this episode of the Alpha Male Coach Podcast. If you enjoyed what you’ve heard and want even more, sign up for Unleash your Alpha: Your Guide to Shifting to the Alpha Mindset, at the alphamalecoach.com/unleash.



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