Level 2

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Energetic Responsibility


Intent: To reveal a foundation of awareness at the emotional level (electromagnetic connection) through research and investigation that is used to empower and expand consciousness.

Minimum Time Commitment: 6 months

Be Advised: Level 1 may include or induce an element of fear and insecurity because that’s what’s needed to create a secure and stable foundation. In order to create something lasting and strong, you have to understand where the cracks may appear and let go of less stable, although familiar, concepts. You are going to strip away and observe every story you tell yourself about who you are.

Skill Learned: COGNITIVE MASTERY – The skill of mental/emotional awareness, discernment, and choice.
Basic Premise: EVERYTHING IS A STORY – The external world is based on the story we tell ourselves about it.

Benefit: The ability to discern a thought from a fact and choose the thought that aligns with the Higher Self. This will give a direct experience with The Universal Truth and begin the process of Consciousness Expansion. Once you know everything you experience is a story, you are empowered to choose the story you want to experience. This is synonymous with determining the life of your dreams.

Requirements to Pass Level 1 – Cognitive Mastery
  • Complete 25 One-on-One Coaching Calls (20 minute calls, 1 call/week)
  • Attend 15 Group Coaching Calls
  • Complete Quizzes From All Lessons
  • Complete 30 Thought Downloads and 60 Models of Alignment (1st month, Foundations Of Cognitive Mastery)
  • Complete 30 Thought Downloads and 60 Models of Alignment (2nd month, The Power Of Beliefs)
  • Complete 4 Weekly Assignments (3rd month, Your Past Is Over)
  • Complete 30 Thought Downloads and 60 Models of Alignment (3rd month, Your Past Is Over)
  • Complete an additional 90 Thought Downloads and 180 Models of Alignment
  • Write A Letter From Your Future Self
  • Write A Letter To Your Past Self
  • Create a Life Manifestation Plan
  • Read The Universal Truth
  • Teach ‘The Universal Truth’

Benefit: End a bad habit (buffer), develop emotional awareness/ownership, dive deeper into relationships OR wealth, show up to group calls to be coached (safety/vulnerability), learn and apply AM Tenets

Learned/mastered: EMOTIONAL OWNERSHIP – Emotional ownership/emotional processing, longer teaching/speaking in front of a coach, begin engagement (group coaching)

  • – 12 1-on-1 calls (office hours/20 minutes, 12 weeks)
  • – Participate in 8 group coaching calls (be coached, 1/week = 8 weeks)
  • – Buffering Course (100 allowed urges)
  • – Choice of Money Workbook or Relationships (May) Workbook
  • – Learn ALL Alpha Male Tenets (6-7, list them out)
  • – Learn ALL Alpha Male Paradoxes (2-4, list them out)
  • – ADD FOR ME: Alpha Male Tenets and Paradoxes Teaching Videos
  • – ADD FOR ME: Emotional Maturity vs Immaturity Videos
  • – ADD FOR ME: How to request Group Coaching/requirements
  • – ADD FOR ME: Buffering Course/Urge Jar information
  • – ADD FOR ME: Videos on Money/Relationships (2 tracks)
  • – Teach three (3) of The Alpha Male Tenets (20-30 minutes in front of coach)
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