Ep #178: The Power of Action with Shawn Heshmatpour

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Today’s guest, brothers, is one of the students who has learned the most from the Academy, and who I have, in turn, learned the most from. Shawn Heshmatpour joined the academy in 2021, seeking a purpose and passion for his life, and wanting to get in touch with love and intimacy. Through his learning, he sought a deeper truth and continued with the certification course. Within a year, he has grown into a life coach where he continues the cognitive movement using his own experiences and words to find the light within others. 

In this interview, Shawn opens up about why he had so much self-doubt around love and intimacy and how he realized that his biggest block to finding passion and his own inner peace was that he was not listening to himself. We have all been conditioned throughout our lives to seek external validation, to live our lives according to other people’s timelines. And for what, brothers? The “aha” moment that Shawn had during his time in the Academy is one of the most important lessons we can learn about listening to your inner voice and living life as we want to!

Join us, brothers, to hear what Shawn learned from the academy and how he entered the certification course to continue to sink deeper into understanding our cognitions. We reveal why it’s your mind that interrupts your goals and how your inner voice is telling you the truth. The lessons learned from Shawn were manyfold, and he brings his unique perspective both to our teachers and his students. He also explains why he loves what he does and why you should lean into the fear of uncertainty and just do it, so listen in today to hear why you should just do it!

Want to know more about what I do and how I can help you? Sign up for a free 45-minute session with me, and Ill show you how this works!

What Youll Learn from This Episode:

  • Who Shawn Heshmatpour is and how he changed his mindset. 
  • Our conditioning to seek external validation at the expense of our mental health. 
  • Two things Shawn needed help with: finding a passion and being in touch with love. 
  • Why you will grow if you listen to yourself.
  • How to overcome your mind interrupting your goals by listening. 
  • Why Shawn is his own success story and how he defines his success. 
  • The importance of the cognition movement starting in the Academy. 
  • Understanding where your uncertainty is coming from and following that feeling. 
  • Why the social commentary in the movie Joker makes it Shawn’s favorite movie. 
  • The reciprocal learning between all students and teachers at the Academy.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • Get your free copy of The Universal Truth today.
  • Learn more about Shawn’s life coaching on sheshn.com or call his direct coaching line on (774) 701-1953.
  • Sign up for Unleash Your Alpha, your guide to shifting to the Alpha mindset!


[00:00:09] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Alpha Male Coach Podcast, the only podcast that teaches men the cognitive mastery and alpha mindset that it takes to become an influential and irresistible man of confidence. Here’s your host, certified life coach and international man of mystery, Kevin Aillaud.

[00:00:31] KA: What’s up, my brothers? Welcome back to The Alpha Male Coach podcast. I am your host, Kevin Aillaud. And over the next few weeks, I am living, literally living in the Amazon rainforest brothers. I’m living in the jungle right next to the Amazon River. And I decided to set up a series of interviews with a small selection of Academy and certification course students so they could tell you a little bit about their experiences. I’ll be back in February and until then, remember to pick up a free copy of my book, The Universal Truth and you can do that at thealphamalecoach.com/freebook. Now, enjoy meeting these brothers and elevate your alpha.


[00:01:19] KA: What’s up, brothers? Welcome back to The Alpha Male Coach podcast. I’m your host, Kevin Aillaud, and we’re doing interviews on the podcast, first time I’ve ever done interviews and I am excited. I’m actually excited, honored, and it’s my pleasure to bring this individual onto the podcast because Shawn, I’ll have him introduce himself to you guys in a moment. But Shawn did not spend much time in the academy. In fact, he went from one-on-one coaching into the academy very briefly, and then in the certification course.

So, he has a very unique experience than some of the other guys that you’ve heard during these interview segments. Like I say, I’m really, really excited to bring on Shawn. He’s a friend of mine, as well as a student. So, I’m not going to spend any more time talking, I want him to tell you guys his story. Without further ado, here is Shawn. Introduce yourself, brother. Tell the audience about who you are.

[00:02:15] SH: Thank you, Kevin. Thank you. And thank you for having me on today. My name is Shawn Heshmatpour everybody. I met Kevin back in February of 2021. So, the start of the new year. I had just recently quit my full-time business to business sales job, because I was, at the time, wanting to become a full time Twitch streamer, I remember. And there was a lot of inner work that I needed to go through. I knew this within myself that I had a lot of inner work to go through. I was a big fan, or I still am a big fan of Kevin’s podcast. That’s how I found them. I was listening to the podcast since, probably since like November or December of 2020. So, after just like listening to Kevin’s podcast for so long, finally scheduled a consult call. And from there, we picked up one-on-one coaching.

So, a little bit about me, I’m 27 years old. I live in Worcester, Massachusetts, and I am now a life coach myself. I run my own life coaching, full time business and I focus a lot helping people with their social anxiety, because it’s really relatable to me, and it is something about me that I really wanted to overcome when working with Kevin. And then now here we are today, and I’m in the certification course, and yeah, I’m excited to talk about this with you today, Kevin.

[00:03:42] KA: Yeah, awesome, brother. We’re going to come back to your business as well, because I know you’ve had a lot of success with that in a relatively short period of time. And I know that the guys in the audience are going to want to hear about it. But tell us first a little bit more about your background, brother. Like about your story. What were you seeking in terms of self-knowledge, personal development? You’d mentioned you’re in sales and also platforming out of Twitch. So, tell us more about you, brother.

[00:04:08] SH: Yeah, so my self-development journey really began in, well, it began on my whole life of course, but I would say that it really started picking up and the awareness started picking up around 2018, summer of 2018 where I was — I had this dream and this vision of being a full time Twitch streamer. I love making people laugh. I still love making people laugh. Kevin knows I like to crack jokes on one on one a lot, but, yeah, like I love making people laugh. I love entertaining people. I love connecting with other people. It’s something that I really enjoy doing. It’s something that really means a lot to me and it’s something that I have a lot of fulfillment from as well. I love helping other people and I love being around other people making people smile. 

At the time when I started engaging a lot self-development content, I was full time streaming, and all I wanted to do was really make people laugh and feel validated from other people. That’s really the biggest thing. I wanted to feel validated from the people around me. But where I was lost in that time was there was a lot of self-validation, I wasn’t giving myself. A lot of, “Hey, I’m not listening to myself here.” Something was off, something was missing. And it really came until I had maybe some few incidents between myself and even a few incidents with other people that were close to me that I met through Twitch and then just through my personal life as well, where I realized, like, “Hey, there is something lost within me, and I need to figure out. There’s some stuff I need to understand about myself.”

And that is when I started working with you, Kevin, and I started really diving into self-growth and really growing my passion for self-development, personal discovery, understanding what cognitive mastery is, understanding what emotional ownership is, understanding how to feel your feelings, and how to understand your thoughts or just censuses. And from there, I mean, this work that we are doing is become like who I’ve become now. You, Kevin, and this course, and everything is a huge part of that now. This is who I become now, this individual who’s just very at peace, and I don’t really give a crap what’s going on now. I’m just very grounded and out here to achieve to be the best version of myself every day.

[00:06:39] KA: Yeah, that’s amazing, brother. It’s amazing there’s a lot you put out in there. I mean, one of the things you mentioned was external validation. And we may come back to that, because when I asked you questions about what you learned with your time at the certification course, and working together, but I know a lot of the guys in the audience struggle with that, like external validation, like what makes me valuable, right? What makes me worthy? We’re kind of trained, I used the word “conditioned”, but trained, programmed or whatever, to measure our worth, based on external achievements, whatever other people have said. Well, money means you’re important, or women means your important, or job, the job you have, or the education you got, or the house you live in, or the car you drive. I mean, it’s all these things that we do to collect in the external world, what we think will make us worthy, but it never does.

[00:07:30] SH: Right. And I want to add to that, as well. The numbers too, they add to that, right? By this age is should look like this, which is like the craziest part, adds all this extra unnecessary pressure on top of these stories, it’s like stories on top of stories almost.

[00:07:46] KA: Yeah. Now, I’m glad that you add the age because you’re a young guy, like you told everybody, you’re younger. You’re in your 20s. I’m in my 40s. But it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t really matter, because you know now working with students in your business and probably with your peers in the certification course. But anecdotally, for me as well, working with the men that I’ve worked with, you’re absolutely right, brother. It doesn’t matter, the age doesn’t matter, because I’ll hear the same thing come out of a guy’s mouth, who’s in his 20s: “I’m running out of time”, as the guy who’s in his 40s: “I’m running out of time”. It’s like “I just don’t have enough time”, or “I feel like I should be in a different place in my life right now”. It’s like these conditioned milestones that we have, finish high school, go to college, get out of college, get a job, get a wife, get a kid, maybe two, get a house, have a picket fence, and a dog and all the things, build up a pension or 401k. It’s just this milestone in constantly.

And when we have that conditioning, that imperfect vision that everybody kind of lays down through society, when we compare our true life to that, the way our life is perfectly in the way it’s meant to be, compared to this other thing, this conditioned vision. We’re kind of setting ourselves up for that disappointment. We’re setting ourselves up for not being able to validate who we are. So instead, we aim and look at other things through external validation.

So, I love you that you said it, brother. I’ll definitely bring it back. But I do want to dig a little bit more specifically in 2018, you started doing personal growth, personal development. In 2021, February, you came to me, we started working one-on-one, this was private one-on-one coach guidance. This was not in the academy, listening the podcast in 2020. So, what drove you to the podcast? Let me ask you that. Let’s go there. What was happening in your life where you decided, “You know what, I’m going to start listening to The Alpha Male Coach podcast”, and then that being a catalyst to you reaching out and us creating our relationship. What drove you to the podcast?

[00:09:49] SH: It was two big things for me that I wanted help on when we first started working together, when I scheduled the consultation call. And it was definitely, A, to find something that I love doing and become really good at it. That was one. And at the time, I thought that was Twitch streaming. And the second one was definitely being in touch with love and intimacy, understanding what that is and being able to understand these blockages within myself on why I’m not out there dating, why I’m not feeling love and all these things as well. There is definitely the career take that I want to help with. And then also the personal issues that I was having with approaching love and intimacy, and women and all of that.

There are so many events that happened in my life that I could like, talk about when it comes to all of that, as you know, Kevin, as you know from our one-on-one calls. But for sure, I would say like the biggest driving thing that closed me up as a person was when I was 20 years old in college, I got falsely accused of rape. It definitely messed with my image of myself, and it messed with my stories of how I should approach relationships and women in order to feel loved and feel accepted.

[00:11:20] KA: Yeah. I’m going to say quite honestly, how amazingly open and vulnerable you are here bringing that out, because one of the questions I was going to have for you is, what was one of the lower points in your life, but you kind of brought it out. I mean, being 20, of course, you already had some stories going on in your mind. There already some ways that you think about yourself, but that…

[00:11:43] SH: Yeah, high school conditioning, middle school conditioning, all that fun stuff from childhood. Just like a lot of people in their 20s. I think it’s very common for that age to have all that.

[00:11:58] KA: Yeah, absolutely, brother. As soon as we start listening to the mind, as soon as we start listening the mind, we start believing the stories. And then for that to occur in at 20 for you, it is going to add to the story, it’s going to create some story. So, when you found the podcast then and I do remember, like, of course, I remember our relationship, but just for the audience to understand when you came into the podcast, it was — and again, and then into one-on-one coaching, it was business and relationships. If we were to break it into health, wealth, relationships, then its relationships and the wealth, right?

[00:12:32] SH: Exactly. Exactly.

[00:12:33] KA: Yeah. And in that very short amount of time, brother, because again, I want to ask you about the certification course separately, but in that very short amount of time that we did work together, what was like the aha moment? Or what was the biggest lesson that you say you would learn from that time? The initial discovery, the initial self-discovery?

[00:12:52] SH: If I could really break it down to one sentence, that aha moment: “Holy shit, I’m not fucking listening to myself”. That’s what it would be.

[00:13:02] KA: That’s huge. Cognitive mastery, emotional ownership, energy mechanics, these are processes. But the foundation of all the work that I do with myself and my students, let’s say with my students, but anecdotally with myself as well is exactly what you just said, is to live the life you want to live. We are here to live a life of our dreams. We are not here to live through limitations. We’re here to live through enjoyment and fun, and the world is a playground. So, tell me what that means to you.

[00:13:31] SH: So, what that means to me is that throughout what I discovered within myself, and what you helped me understand and learn as we delved into the stories that I share with you about the past, and the present, and the future, and all these stories, is that I wasn’t listening to me, what felt right for me. Because everything in this world that we do is driven by our feelings. So, by not listening to that, it makes sense while I was fucking suffering, it makes sense that I was uncomfortable in a constant state of discomfort. Not like the good discomfort that helps you grow, but like the discomfort that makes you run around in circles. It’s almost as if you are able to create logic and objectivity behind the subjectivity.

[00:14:24] KA: What does that mean brother?

[00:14:25] SH: It’s like being able to understand that in life, there is that math of how we do things, and then there’s the mind drama that interrupts us on what it is that we actually want to do. It’s understanding that me as a person, my soul, who I am, wants to do all these things and wants to be a certain way, not be a certain way as in trying to be someone I’m not, but express myself authentically. It comes down to understanding that that part of me exists but everything that is blocking me from doing it is the mind, is the thought, is the conditioning, the beta condition. And essentially being able to listen to yourself, your alpha state, is to detach from all of it, and look inward and see what’s really going on, and who your true self really is, and using that to your benefit, in order to make yourself happy. So, I guess that’s what I mean that when I say, “Holy shit, I wasn’t listening to myself.”

[00:15:28] KA: Yeah, brother. It’s true. The holy shit, I’m not listening to myself. I mean, again, so you guys now can hear, you guys in the audience can hear what Shawn means when he says he likes to make people laugh. He likes to be honest, likes to be candid, because that’s essentially in his words, what I’ve said to you guys in almost every podcast is you are in control. Not in control of the world, not in control of the circumstances, not in control of other people. Because again, that’s outside of you. But you are 100 in control of your life. You’re in control of your thoughts, your stories, your conditioning, all the things that are happening for you and your feelings. You know what, it’s not about feeling good all the time, either. It’s just about feeling all the time, so that you’re always moving towards who you are, always moving towards that. Seeing the next version of who you are. But really, that’s what you’re doing anyway, because we’re always changing, we’re always moving, we’re always in a movement. That’s why we measure time. But as you guys know, time doesn’t exist. Time is just a measurement of movement. It’s a measurement of distance.

Because we’re always moving, we use time to measure that. And what Shawn’s telling you guys, is what he learned, in very short amount of time, less than a year, remember, February 2021, what he’s learned in less than a year is that I mean, the way he puts it is, like “Holy shit, I haven’t been listening to myself”, but you have within you a voice, you have within you a knowing, you have within you your true self, your alpha state, that will tell you, will guide you, will get you to the life that you’re feeling from within you.

The wild part about that is that we’re listening to the stories instead. We’re listening to everybody else tell you “Don’t do this, can’t do this, shouldn’t do that”. “You have to do this, you need to do this, you should do that”. That is the message. So I’m saying I’m so glad Shawn put it in his words, because that is the message.

Brothers, you never have to do anything. In fact, if you’re doing something you don’t want to do, then, by definition, I would offer that you shouldn’t be doing it. Now, you are doing it so you should be doing it in that moment. But learning that it’s not for you is the discomfort. That’s what he means when he said the discomfort is not from doing things that you don’t like. I think that’s where we get — when people say “Discomfort is the price of growth”, I think what they think that means is I should do things I don’t like so I get rewarded later. That’s not what that means. It doesn’t mean like, suffer now to achieve later. What it means is recognize that you’re suffering and then detach from that suffering. That’s very uncomfortable. It’s very uncomfortable to go against the grain that everybody else is going with to go your direction, to march to the beat of your own drummer.

That’s pretty huge brother. I mean, that’s really huge, actually. But let’s move forward into why you decided to enroll in the certification course. Because we worked together and then there was a move deeper. What was that about?

[00:18:40] SH: Yeah, so at that point, I think you announced the certification course in like, late spring, roughly. So, by then we had already been working for about three or four months together. I think what got me to want to sign up for the certification course and enroll and be where I’m at now was that, from learning all of what you taught me, and from learning about cognitive mastery, emotional ownership, the alpha state versus the beta conditioning, I started to realize more about how I was really discovering who I am and what it is that I want to do right now at this time and it is to better other people.

In the beginning, I was streaming on Twitch, and I liked connecting with people to make them laugh, to help them to make them feel better. I noticed when I was streaming on Twitch, there’s a lot of people who tune in who are suffering and have their own issues and all that. I guess you could say my laughter at that time was the medicine. I mean, yeah, it made people laugh, but that’s not the source of the medicine that I want to give to people now. Now, instead of escape, I guess you could say it’s more of helping people where they’re at. And that’s really the main reason why I dove into the certification program. I love it so far.

It’s helped me develop my skill sets and talking to people helping with people become the best version of themselves. I realized I love this so much that I ended up opening my own coaching business and it’s been doing very well so far. So, the reason why I decided to sign up for the certification course, because a part of me started to realize, “Hey, I like this coaching world. I like helping people out. I like helping the world become a better place.” And of course, I love your teachings, as well, Kevin, and all the stuff that we talked about together, really inspired me and really spoke to me. I understood a lot of what you were saying pretty quickly. I knew that it felt right and I went with it.

Here we are now in about five, almost six months into the certification course, we’ve learned a lot of great things, met some really cool friends, made some cool friends, and get to meet some of them in person at the end of January. I’m going to meet you in person, the end of January in Peru. So yeah, I mean, so the reason why I signed up was just to develop cognitive mastery and emotional ownership at a deeper level so I can teach it as well.

[00:21:11] KA: Yeah, it’s amazing brother. And you mentioned a little bit, but I want to go a little bit deeper, maybe even more specifically is what are some of the success stories that you’ve experienced while being a student a certification course, either with from the course itself or outside the course, just from what you’ve learned in the course.

[00:21:28] SH: I have a really deep understanding and knowledge of how people behave and why they behave, for sure. That’s definitely one big thing. I have a deeper understanding and knowledge of on why I behave. I’m learning a lot on how to coach other people, how to guide other people, how to influence other people in a positive manner, and learning how to believe in myself at a deeper level than one-on-one coaching does. It’s like the one-on-one coaching, you learn a lot about yourself a lot, like there’s a lot of good that I discover within myself from the one-on-one coaching. But the certification course kind of brings it down to that deeper understanding.

[00:22:09] KA: Instead of guiding students, and being guided as a student, now you’re being guided as a guide. So, now you’re learning. It’s like it’s just that next layer of the onion and there are so many layers, because the next one is learning how to guide as a guide of a guide. Right? I mean, eventually, because there’s always that deeper layer of who is within you. Who is Shawn? I mean, I say it to all my students. Who is Shawn? Who are you? Because it’s not the identity. It’s not the conditioning, it’s not the story that we tell ourselves. It’s really the light. There’s a light that’s coming from within all of us. That is a part of all of us. It keeps us all one. But it’s also unique that we all have the opportunity to express and to contribute here while we’re here.

I love it, brother. I love what you’re saying about the certification course. But I want to ask you again and see if you can get even more specific. Is there any one or two stories you have to share with the audience in terms of what you would consider to be a success story about something you would show them either in relationships or in your business? And maybe I’ll just pull back to the business and check in with you on that and see how things are going. But in less than a year, brother, in less than a year. And again, only six months in a certification course. So, we’re only halfway through that course as well. But in less than a year, can you remember anything that sticks out as a success story that you would share with strangers in the podcast audience?

[00:23:36] SH: Yeah. So, besides everything that I’ve learned, as far as what I have accomplished and done through this program, is I’ve been able to run a successful life coaching business. I started the business right around the same time, the certification course started about five months. Yeah, I’ve made almost 20,000 in less than that time so far, just on my own, not having to work for anybody else. So, that’s definitely one big success story right there. That’s the biggest theme of this year for me is just not only learning cognitive mastery, emotional ownership, but also applying it to my own coaching, and having students of my own.

So, that’s definitely huge. One of my students recently just finished a three-month one-on-one program I was doing with her and her transformation was incredible to watch. And that is 100% from the certification program. I didn’t learn that anywhere else. So, definitely with not just running the business, but also seeing the transformation in others as well. Being able to help and guide others has been amazing, and very fulfilling to me. I feel very fulfilled. And just being able to start attracting more new friends this year, whether they’re from the certification program, or just people that I met on Twitter and Instagram who are into the same stuff as me, who have become now pretty close friends of mine, I’m starting to attract a lot more new friendships that complement this journey that I’m on too. So, I’ll say those are like the main two success stories right now is attracting new friends, attracting more money, and attracting a more fulfilling life that I’m really, really grateful for.

[00:25:26] KA: Yeah, brother. I mean, those are huge. And I appreciate you sharing them with us. Because the certification course, is about teaching people how to coach. And so, what you guys can hear is that Shawn’s starting his own business. He’s utilizing this. But I’ll tell you that not everybody in the certification course is determining or go and deciding to go out and use this to coach. Now that being said, yes, like, what you’re offering here, what Shawn’s offering, what I’m offering with you guys that listen to podcasts, I probably don’t need to say it. But what’s happening here is a movement. What’s happening here is a huge movement in cognitive consciousness is waking up, waking up cognitively, waking up spiritually. What I love that he said is, he’s now giving that back. He’s working with students, he’s seeing them wake up, he’s seeing them work, he’s seeing that, with the changes and impact he’s had on their lives.

And that’s really it, brothers. When we heal from our own conditioning, when we go out there as individuals and heal from whatever it is that we’ve been conditioned by in the past, whether it’s trauma, whether it’s oppression, whether it’s judgment, whether it’s accusations, when we go back, and not go back in the past, but when we heal from those that conditioning of our past, and we see the truth of who we are. And we’re not the past, that we’re not the stories that we’re not the judgments of other people. And when we heal, and we know who we are, we discover that, that inner light that has always been there, then we can start to share it with other people. And that’s how we begin to change the world brothers.

There’s an idea out there that we change the world through legislation, right? We change the world through control. Everybody’s got to change and the only way we can get them to change is by writing laws that force people to doing what is they don’t want to do. That’s actually the backwards way of doing it. We don’t change through action. We change through cognition. We change through beliefs. We change when we change the stories, we tell ourselves about ourselves. That can only happen on an individual level. That’s why the momentous leap that we’re on moving from scarcity and fear into abundance and love has to begin with an inward journey. And that’s exactly what Shawn is telling you guys. He started with this inward journey of self-discovery and emancipating the light, the alpha within, and now he’s able to take that and create his own community.

But we have to begin within, and then we start to share it without. That’s the way the oscillating mind works. It goes back and forth, internal, external, internal, external, but attracting wealth, he said, through business, but also attracting people. This is also a big one, brothers. When we’re out there looking like, if our friends, if we’re surrounding ourselves with what we call toxicity or narcissism or if we’re seeing the same relationships, we’re seeing the same women come in and out of our lives all the time, all the time, all the time and wondering what’s the common denominator? It’s me. There must be something wrong with me. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are living as someone you are not. And that’s the thing. You are simply living as the not self.

And when you heal, from that conditioning, you start to attract the people that are meant for you in your life, which are loving, supportive, and there to be in addition to the amazingness of who you are. I love hearing that from you, my friend. I love hearing that from you, Shawn. Tell the guys this. So, when I say that guys, I know there are women in the audience as well. But tell the audience this. I know you’re running your own life coaching business, and I definitely want you to put that out here so that people can look you up as well. But if people are listening to this podcast and thinking about the academy, probably not the certification course, because I don’t mention it very often. But if they’re out there thinking about the academy, just getting involved in their own process of self-discovery, seeking self-knowledge, maybe they are seeking healing, maybe there is something traumatic from their past that they’re looking to to heal from. Maybe it’s confidence, maybe it’s their alpha state, but whatever it is, they’ve come to the podcast, they listened to it, they like it, they love it, they want more of it, but they’re uncertain about enrolling in the academy, uncertain about making that leap, making that decision. What would you say to them?

[00:29:41] SH: It would be to understand where that uncertainty is coming from. And also, understand that being uncertain to enrolling is there’s some conditioning lying there. If you feel like you want to do the academy, then do it. Follow that feeling, because you’re going to learn a lot in the academy. Whether it’s the academy or the certification program, whichever one it is that you choose, you want to join. If you’re feeling uncertain about that, that is coming from a place of maybe — a common one is fear of money, finances, right? That something that comes up in people’s minds or fear of the type of person you may become, or who may drop off or fall out of your life because of the transformation or whatever it is, whatever story that they’re attached to, that’s the point. It’s just a story that’s creating the uncertainty.

I believe you’ve brought this up on your podcast before, Kevin, but certainty always exists within, it’s not external. That’s really what I would recommend. If you’re sort of like on the fence about signing up, and you’re thinking about it, but haven’t done it yet, I would say just listen to yourself and sign up. Listen to yourself and sign up, and really enjoy the uphill ride of life when you really find yourself.

[00:31:05] KA: Yeah, Shawn is the second student now to say that you can tell that the training, the discovery, the knowledge that these guys are getting from the academy and from the certification course both, you can hear it. You can hear it in what they’re telling you. And that’s why it’s not about like, I can come onto the podcast every week and say, “This is why the academy is going to be amazing for you.” But that’s why I want to have some of these guys that I think are so amazing on this podcast. You can hear their story and hear from them. Because that’s the move. Brothers, you all know, every one of you knows what is best for you. And you’re the only person that knows what is best for you.

I don’t know. The government doesn’t know. The religions don’t know. The parents don’t know. The friends don’t know. The bosses don’t know. The coworkers don’t know. Nobody knows except for you and that’s what Shawn is telling you. Right? The certainty is within you. The uncertainty is from the conditioning, it’s from the mind, whether that comes from finances, as you mentioned. By the way the academy is, you can enroll for the entire year in the academy for less than $4,000 that year. I think the price is at 300 bucks a month, right? So, for $3,600 for the year, for me, that sounds cheap. But then again, coming from this side, I’m a little biased, knowing what all of my students are receiving in terms of value.

I know it sounds biased. But again, I don’t want to always come from me. Now you’re hearing it from these guys as well. It really is, if there’s a story about money, if there’s a story about time, “I don’t know if I have the time to participate in everything, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it”. This is what Shawn is offering you and this is what he’s learned. It’s just a story. It’s in your mind, it’s words in your head that are preventing you from experiencing life through yourself. If you have an inclination, a little voice, a feeling inside you that says “You know what, I really want to do this”, then just do it, brother. Just do it. And then once you’re in for a couple months, you’ll have a better idea on if it’s right for you.

I know it’s right for you. But you need to know it’s right for you. Because that’s the only person that really knows, is you. So, I love that answer Shawn. So, I want to ask you, brother, what’s your favorite movie? Let’s let’s dial it back again. Let’s dial it back a bit. What’s your favorite movie, brother?

[00:33:23] SH: I’d say 2019’s Joker is my favorite movie.

[00:33:26] KA: Awesome. Tell us why?

[00:33:28] SH: Well, I watched that movie for the first time before I got into cognitive mastery and emotional ownership with Kevin and before I learned all these things, but I would say it’s my favorite movie because I just love like things that are dark, I find it to be entertaining. As you know, it’s part of my personality of it. I loved how that movie shows societal conditioning at all different angles. It shows what the not self-behavior can really do to somebody when ignored, when attached to the suffering.

Now, I understand that movie is like a really extreme example too. I don’t mind saying that if you don’t practice the awakening process, you’re going to turn into Joker, right? I’m not saying that. But what I will say is that, that movie represents something. It represents what a victim mentality can do to somebody. In a very extreme way it shows it, but the message comes across very clear. For those of you who are listening who haven’t seen Joker, it’s pretty much as how Joker became Joker and it was through a lot of the way society would treat him, but also his response to it, and how he acted, and what stories he made meaning out of all of that, which turn them into Joker.

[00:34:48] KA: Yeah, brother. No, I love it. Because you’re right. It’s a social commentary. I’ve seen the movie twice, but I don’t remember it front to back. I do know exactly what you’re talking about, though, because the social commentary is the caricature. Joker is, like you say, an extreme example, but it’s not that extreme. He’s an extreme example for the entertainment. We go to a movie and we’re watching the movie, like it’s entertaining to see. They make it the caricature. But the truth is, there are a lot of people out there that are living lives similar, different, but similar, because of exactly what you’re saying, because they blame society for their stories, for their conditioning. “They’re making me a victim. I’m a victim because of them, because of what they’re doing, because of what they said, because of how they’re treating me”.

When we do that as individuals, we create that divisiveness, we create that separation. And that just manifests into all the violence and things that can end up in our society, which then creates the confirmation bias for people thinking that they’re a victim. So again, brother, I love that. I love that that’s your favorite movie.

[00:35:58] SH: Yeah, the collective lives in fear, and they put more fear in the hopes to fix the fear. But it just creates more confirmation bias for the fear.

[00:36:07] KA: Yes, that’s exactly. Separate from the collective to be who you are. And when you heal, when you awaken and heal, that is the catalyst for others to awaken and heal. I love it, brother.

[00:36:20] SH: Absolutely.

[00:36:21] KA: I love it. So last question, my friend and 100% up to you. What is one question you wish I had asked you, but I didn’t? And how would you have answered it?

[00:36:31] SH: Yeah, I can’t think of any sort of question. I can’t. But what I will say, though, just as a comment, or something that I would though add in is that this is the first time I’m going into a new year, knowing what I know, at this deep of an understanding, and all I can say is I’m just fucking excited, of what 2022 has to offer, knowing cognitive mastery and emotional ownership is such a deep level. That’s thanks to you, Kevin. So, thank you.

[00:37:02] KA: Yeah. It’s fascinating you say thank you and I will take that appreciation with gratitude. But just to say back to you, Shawn, and everybody listening, it’s always you. It’s always you that takes — it’s me thanking you. Because brothers, whether you’re Shawn, I’m talking to you directly, whether you’re in the academy, I’m talking to you indirectly or whether you’re in the podcast audience, and considering enrolling the academy, my energy, my purpose always works as a guide. So, it always requires the symbiotic relationship with who is being guided. And if there is not you, if there’s not that person being guided, then there can be no guide.

For me, it really ends up being a deep amount of gratitude for for my students. You say thank you, I say thank you back. That’s just how it is, brother. Because without you, there would be no me. That’s how it is. That’s the way things are. I really appreciate you being on the podcast, brother. It’s been amazing having you as a student. I look forward to continue having you as a student. It’s been amazing watching your journey unfold and seeing you get into the the industry yourself as a life coach.

So, I want to kind of end it there. I want to end it with you, offering the audience, whatever it is you want to offer them. You want to tell them about your business, how they can get a hold of you, how they can — if you want to offer open yourself up to be contacted, how they can contact you directly. Anything you want to share with The Alpha Male Coach podcast audience.

[00:38:30] SH: Yeah, for sure. If you all in the, who are listening, want to work with me, feel free to contact me. But I’m going to say work with Kevin. I’m going to work with Kevin right here. Because this is straight from the source, straight from who I learned this from. And yeah, it’s very similar teachings, we all have our different style, for sure. This is your platform. This is all you Kevin.

[00:38:55] KA: I appreciate it, brother. But as you said, and here’s the thing, and this is it, I’ve always said, and I continue to say, work with a coach, guys. Work with a coach. It doesn’t have to be with me. It doesn’t have to be with Shawn. If you’re listening to Shawn, and what he’s saying is like, well, like maybe it’s his tone of voice, maybe it’s his style of delivery. Maybe it’s the words he uses, whatever it is. If he’s resonating with you guys, and he feels comfortable giving out his contact information, then look him up, check him out. Do that because it doesn’t matter who you work with. What matters is that if you choose to, that you find someone to work with because that always helps you get to where you can go deeper into who you are.

People sometimes hear me say that, and I say, “Well, if everything I have is within me, if everything I have is within me then why would I need to work with anybody? Why would I need a guide if it’s all there? If everything I had is here?” The truth is, yes, everything is within you, but you’re blind to it. I’m not saying that derogatorily. I’m not saying that there’s something wrong with you, because human beings are blind to it. Our eyes are looking outward, our eyes don’t look inward. That’s why it’s nice to have someone else. It’s nice to have a coach as a guide, to be there to hold that space and help you look inward.

Because like I say, it doesn’t have to be with me, it doesn’t have to be Shawn, but definitely get a coach. And Shawn, although I appreciate it, brother, I do want to give you this opportunity. If you want to, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to, I totally get it. But if you want to share your business with the guys, you can do that. That’s on you, brother.

[00:40:34] SH: Thank you. I appreciate that. Kevin. Yeah, so if you guys do want to work with me as well, if you just like my vibe and how I approach the same concept as well that I’ve learned from Kevin, feel free to contact me. You can look me up at sheshn.com. Or you can just call my direct coaching line that I have, which is (774) 701-1953.

[00:41:02] KA: Perfect. Awesome, brother. And what is the name of your business?

[00:41:05] SH: Sheshn’s Life Coaching.

[00:41:07] KA: There we go. We want that out there too. Awesome, brother. Thank you so much for sharing your time with me. I appreciate your time. I appreciate your words, all of your honesty, and all the value that you brought to the podcast. Thanks, blood.

[00:41:21] SH: Thank you, Kevin. It was a pleasure being on here. I had a good time.

[00:41:25] KA: All right, my friend. I love you. And I love all of you guys in the audience. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening to Shawn and until next week, elevate your alpha.


[00:41:36] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to this episode of the Alpha Male Coach Podcast. If you enjoyed what you’ve heard and want even more, sign up for Unleash Your Alpha: Your Guide to Shifting to the Alpha Mindset, at the alphamalecoach.com/unleash.



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