The Alpha Male Program
The Alpha Male Program is designed to create a colossal shift in your cognitive and emotional relationship with the world. This fundamental shift in consciousness is the movement from scarcity and poverty (Beta men are continuously preoccupied with saving themselves from scarcity) to the Alpha mindset of abundance and affluence.

Your life is about to take a sharp and decisive turn. From here, your journey begins.
This is the time to take action. This is the time to start living the life you were meant to. This is the moment you start listening to the Alpha inside you and let go of all the illusions that hold you back.
It’s time to take your game, your passion, and your life to the next level.
It’s time to Unleash Your Alpha.
There is a misconception and misunderstanding of what an Alpha Male is.
For years we have been taught that Alpha Men are dominate, aggressive, successful, outgoing, physically fit, competitive, women-magnets. This concept has lead men to become arrogant, obnoxious, muscle-headed, perfectionist jerks (The Bad Boy) OR weak-willed, self-doubting, aloof or withdrawn, inauthentic people-pleasers (Mr. Nice Guy).

Most men live their lives somewhere between these two extremes in the bell curve of an illusion created by our brain, our society, and the conditioning of our parents and childhood teachers. Depending on the lessons we were taught as children, the trauma we suffered, and what we chose to make it all mean, most men will lean slightly to the right or left of the crest of the bell – slightly more Bad Boy or slightly more Nice Guy.
There are coaches who will tell you to be The Bad Boy – that women want to be bossed around, told what to do, psychologically manipulated, and made to feel insecure. There are also coaches who will tell you that women want Mr. Nice Guy – to be put on a pedestal, served and waited on, given compliments, and generally stroked and loved like a little bunny.
It’s all erroneous. And moreover, none of it serves YOU! All of the lies, illusions, and misguided thinking that you were taught has done damage to your personal life, your dating life, and your financial life. It doesn’t matter if you want to be better with women, wealth, health, relationships, time, or all of the above – the one thing that is missing is the knowledge that will reveal it all to you.

The truth is, every man on the curve and at the extremes is living in a cognitive and emotional illusion. Every point on that curve is a Beta Male, Gamma Male, Delta Male, Omega Male, or some other derivative of misguided thinking that creates a false sense of how life works.
The Alpha Male does not exist on the bell curve between The Bad Boy and Mr. Nice Guy. The Alpha Male is a momentous leap in cognitive mastery and emotional responsibility. There are only two types of men: Alpha Men and all other men.

Some of the benefits of The Alpha Male Program are
- Having the confidence to approach any woman at any time in any place.
- Showing up in all situations with authority, indomitable self-belief, and unshakable self-confidence.
- Being the most interesting man at every event, meeting, or presentation you attend.
- Developing the mindset shared by the world’s most successful men for creating wealth and well-being.
- Gaining influential and irresistible magnetism that is attractive, sexy, and draws the people and opportunities into your life that you desire.
- Learning and making the ONE MAJOR SHIFT in your mind that will change the way you think about the world and create the life of your dreams.
- Fulfilling that burning desire within you that yearns for greatness and grandeur.
Some of the results you can expect from the The Alpha Male Program are
- You’ll take more risks with business and relationships
- You’ll achieve more success with money and women
- You’ll set and reach massive goals by removing the fear of failure
- You’ll take massive action to create the results you want
- You’ll talk to more people, make more connections, have more sex, and create amazing, strong, and genuine relationships
- You’ll believe beyond your current capability and capacity
- You’ll live into your future and become the captain of your destiny
- You’ll awaken to your life’s true purpose and be able to share your value with the world
How The Alpha Male Program Works
The first month is the probationary month. During the first month, you will be working one-on-one with me to lay the foundation for the next year. The first month is where you will be imbued with the basic Universal Truth that all Alpha Men know. Since this knowledge is such a paradigm shift from everything you have taught to believe, working in a one-on-one coaching environment is the best way to start your journey and it will give you the opportunity to ask questions about the principles and concepts that are required to make the cognitive shift necessary to unleash your Alpha.
The probationary month is set apart from the 12-month group coaching program. You will schedule your sessions with me at times that work for both of us and be given worksheets and assignments that are designed to alter your brain in a way that allows you to see the truth of the world. After a lifetime of being told lies and believing in illusions, this process is EXTREMELY important. Like any program, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. The first month is learning the BASICS and like learning the foundation of anything, the better you understand these concepts, the easier it will be later when the teaching and coaching become deeper and more specific.
After the first month, you will rolled into the 12-month cycle of Alpha Male education. Recognize this fact: you are already an Alpha Male! This is important for you to know. During this year, the goal is to remove and re-educate. We must remove the limiting beliefs, lies, illusions, and misguided thinking that have been taught to you by your parents, teachers, and society. All of that is what is causing the worry, doubt, confusion, overwhelm, fear, and is what built the wall around your true purpose in this life. The removal process is like chipping away at a block of marble to reveal the masterpiece within. Your perfection is hidden from the world due to these negative emotions and misguided teachings.
At the same time we remove, we have to re-educate. There is a truth within you. You know it’s there, you can feel it. Teaching you the truth about yourself is not very difficult when we remove the garbage that’s piled up in your brain.

- 1st month – Laying the Foundations and Is one-on-one coaching with Kevin
- 2nd month – Self-confidence
- 3rd month – Wealth
- 4th month – The Past/The Future
- 5th month – Goal Setting/Time Management
- 6th month – Relationships
- 7th month – Emotions
- 8th month – Self-confidence 2.0
- 9th month – Buffering
- 10th month – Love
- 11th month – Health
- 12th month – Dating/Sex
- 13th month – Alpha Male Mindset
Think about it this way: right now your mind, your life, your purpose, your future is like a room with the lights turned off. You have no idea what comes next. You’re confused and wandering around in the dark. The first thing we want to do is turn the lights on. So we do! What do we find? The room is a mess! There are clothes all over the place, a pizza box on the floor with a half a pizza in it, the floor can’t even be seen, old shoes hanging from the closet door, you get the idea. For most people, their first reaction is to turn the lights back off! That’s why the probationary month is so important – if you turn the light off you’ll go back to darkness, which for some people is easier than looking at the mess they’ve created with their belief systems!
Now, we have the lights on and we want to start cleaning up the mess. We get the clothes into drawers, we get the trash in the garbage, we dust and vacuum. Once the room is cleaned, we’ve done the ‘removal process’. That was the hard part! Now we get to decide how you want the room to look – this is the fun part! This is the re-education process. You get to choose how you want your life, your future, to be. Your purpose will become evident to you when the mess in your mind is cleaned up. Your personal style will emerge and you will have no fear in sharing it with the world. You’ll have gone from stumbling around in the dark, to taking a good look at the mess you’ve made, to cleaning up that mess and clearing out all the nonsense, and finally deciding with deliberate consciousness what you want your place in the world to be.
This is the secret all great men know. This is the way all great men have become GREAT MEN. It wasn’t given to them. They did the work. You can do this work. You owe it to yourself to fulfill your destiny, to live the life of your dreams, to unlock your personal greatness and show the world what you have to offer!
The 12-month program is set up on a calendar where you will have two group coaching calls a week. During the group coaching, you can raise your hand to be coached or observe while other students are coached. Either way, there is immense value because whether you are being coached or watching someone else get coached, your brain is being taught the cognitive mastery and emotional responsibility of the Alpha Male. There are also worksheet and assignments during the 12-month program. Everything is on-line and you have access to ask Kevin a question at any time. There are bonus calls from time to time that have specific topics, usually pertaining to the monthly focus.
It takes AT LEAST 6 months to make a full cognitive shift in awareness from thinking like a Beta to thinking like an Alpha. I ask everyone to stick with the program for at least 6 months (relapse is too easy otherwise). The 12-month cycle covers 12 Alpha Male topics – one each month. After 12 months, the cycle repeats and new information is presented. You are allowed to continue the program beyond 12 months as well – the program will simply repeat and you’ll get the information a second time. However, since the program is always evolving, there might be new information presented as the years progress.
How to Get Started
Enroll by clicking the button at the bottom of this page and filling out the pre-work questionnaire. You will then get an email from me asking you to sign-up for your first one-on-one call. From there, everything starts to change.
The first month lays the foundation and the first call gives us the chance to schedule out the calls and start with the worksheets and homework. Remember, this first month is all about LEARNING NEW CONCEPTS, so I want to work closely with you to get you off on the right foot.
- You will have daily access to me for questions and support.
- This is a coaching program designed for students who are ready to make lasting change – to make the permanent shift from Beta Men to Alpha Men.
- Be prepared to spend 30-60 minutes a day on your cognitive shift.
- Coaching is month to month and payment is automatic. I recommend at least a year commitment. I don’t offer refunds for previous months, but you can cancel anytime.
- The cost is $497 per month.
- You can enroll by clicking the button below.